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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

September 22, 2012

Men's Camping Retreat in the Works (UPDATED)

Finishing touches are being put on a Men's Camping Retreat to take place Friday September 28 through Sunday September 30, 2012. All men and young men are encouraged to attend. Manly activities like biking, hiking, canoeing, and archery are planned along with topical discussions. This primitive campout will be near the Allegheny River in Venango County with access to the bike trail. More details will be coming soon. See Frank Weese for more information.

Update: Come for the entire weekend or just whenever. All meals will be provided on Saturday. Breakfast will be served and a worship service held on Sunday morning. Directions and additional information are available. Be sure to sign up and indicate your activity interests! Questions can be addressed to Matt Courtney or Frank Weese.

September 15, 2012

Seniors Ministry to have Cookout Picnic (RESCHEDULED)

The September gathering of the Senior Saints will feature a cookout and picnic on Thursday September 13, 2012 at noon. Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill will be provided. Please bring other picnic items and an appetite.

Update: This event has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict.

Update: This event has been rescheduled for Thursday September 20, 2012 at noon.

September 11, 2012

Mobile Website has New Address

A new shorter address has been created for the mobile-friendly portion of our site suite. The mobile site can now be accessed at

Hint: The Crossroads sign icon at the top-left on all of our normal pages is a secret link to the mobile site Home page!

We're Looking for Amateur Photo-Buffs!

If you often attend events sponsored by Crossroads and you enjoy digital photography then you are in our viewfinder. We want to record more events, activities, outreaches, and mission trips through pictures and video. The photos may be used on the website gallery or simply retained as an archival record. If you are interested then see Phil Tingley on how to submit your images. Expensive equipment not required; just your willingness to help.

Also, if you already have photos of past events then we would like to have them, too.

September 9, 2012

The New Pictorial Directory is Looking for You

There are many new faces at Crossroads and a great way to get to know each other is through a pictorial directory. We want to have you in our church family album. This will all be done by our members, not by an outside company.

We will be accepting portraits three ways:
  1. Our photographer, Matt Courtney, will be taking portraits after Sunday Worship through October 21, 2012.
  2. Evening and Saturday appointments are available at the church for a more formal setting. These are scheduled for October 3, 9, and 17, 2012 at 6-8 pm and October 13 and 20, 2012 at 10 am - 4 pm. Expect a sitting to last approximately 30-45 minutes
  3. You may submit a suitable digital portrait you already have.
Each family will receive a paper and/or a digital finished directory along with all of your group's photos on a CD.

Also volunteers are needed to help schedule appointments, collect information, and assist during the appointments. See Amy Tingley to see how you can help.

So put on your best smile for the family!



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454