Dave Campbell will be leaving October 26, 2013 for Wewak, Papua New Guinea as part of a team of 9 from I-TEC. They will begin installing a new generator and underground wiring at the New Tribes Sepic Headquarters over 3 weeks. Dave will attempt -- as time and internet availability allows -- to report on the trip and progress. Any personal reports from Dave will be posted on Crossroads Reports site. Also the team's postings can be followed at I-TEC's trip site.
October 21, 2013
October 20, 2013
Underground Church Event for Youth (UPDATED)
In many areas and cultures around the world Christians must meet in secret in order to worship God. Christian churches are illegal and heavily persecuted. Greenville area youth will get a taste of this experience during the Underground Church hosted by First Presbyterian. The event will be October 27, 2013 from 4:00-7:00 pm.
Update: Safe house sites, security personnel, and transportation are needed for this event. See Barb Knauff if you can participate.
October 12, 2013
Youth to Discover God's Design for Relationships (UPDATED)
We are hosting a seminar for our youth that will deal with God’s design for relationships and sexual purity. It will take place on Sundays October 13 and 23, 2013 from 6:00-7:30 pm at the church. Beth Gordon will be the speaker, and she will lead the youth through media presentations, skits and discussions, helping them to discover God’s best for them. Parents will be receiving information in the mail. Any questions can be directed to Barb Knauff.
Update: The seminar on Sunday October 13, 2013 will be at Crossroads from 6:00-7:30 pm. The Sunday October 20, 2013 session will take place at Central Community Church from 5:00-7:00 pm.
October 6, 2013
New Sunday Evening Bible Study to Begin
When was the last time your read any of the Minor Prophets for your devotions? Ever? Can you even find them in the Bible?!? Guys like: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, etc. Why did God even put them in the Bible? Well He put them in the Bible for a good reason or else they would not be there. And He put them there for us to read and learn from. But perhaps you have found them hard to understand.
On Sunday October 13, 2013 we will begin a study of Hosea. Our goal is to help you understand this important prophet. But another goal is to help you have the tools to understand the other Minor Prophets as well and to benefit and enjoy this rich treasure of literature in our Bible.
Sunday evening Bible study is led by Pastor Todd Jaussen from 6:00-7:00 pm weekly except for the first Sunday of each month.
October 5, 2013
Raising Funds for Dental Drill in Dominican Republic (UPDATED)
One of the needs we have found in the Dominican Republic during our work in the villages is the need for dental care. A dentist we work with donates her time to offer free care, but the DR government no longer provides portable drills. We are seeking to raise the money to purchase such a drill. We are currently $500 short of our goal of $1500. If this is something you would like to donate to, please place your gift in a pew or tithing envelope, mark it DR Drill, and place it in the offering plate.
Update: Thanks to the generosity of our church family, we now have the full $1500 to fund the portable dentist drill for the Dominican Republic. Thank you for responding to this need!