Several new adult Sunday School classes are scheduled for the spring 2010 quarter. Watch this space for profiles of the classes.
God's Word on Finances" will draw you closer to God and your spouse, by helping you develop a Biblical perspective on money, and the things we do, for it, with it. Money and the way we handle it is mentioned over 2,300 times in the Bible, yet most of us get our financial training from the world's perspective. Then we wonder why we struggle in this area.
Do you resist discussing money decisions? Do you find it easier to just ignore making financial decisions? Is there too much month left at the end of your money? Do you want to learn the truth about money's role in the life of every believer? Do you desire more freedom to serve Christ? If so, come this class for teaching based on God's word, the Bible, and developed with small group intimacy in mind.
Members of this class are expected to spend about one half hour each day seeking God's counsel through prayer, scripture reading, discussion and written responses in order to uncover truths about such weekly topics as: God's Part, Our Part, Debt, Counsel, Giving, Work, Honesty, Investing, Perspective, Eternity.
This class is intended primarily for couples. (If both husband and wife are members of this congregation, they must attend together.) Class size is limited to twelve and will be facilitated by Fred and Lori Switzer. They have been trained and certified as Small Group, Biblical Financial Study Leaders by Crown Financial Ministries and they also provide budget counseling/coaching service within the church.
Systematic Theology" will be overseen by Bill Haller this quarter. Why are certain books in while others are not? Is the Bible trustworthy if men wrote it? And if men wrote it, there has to be errors! With all these questions, how can we follow this book when our very soul is at stake? These questions will be covered and so much more as the Systematic Theology class continues on with a closer examination of God's Word, and hopefully, a deeper reverence for God will follow.
The Reason for God" will discuss the book of the same name by Timothy Keller.
The Reason for God addresses frequent doubts that skeptics and even believers have about Christianity. Using literature, philosophy, real life conversations, and potent reasoning, a belief in a Christian God is, in fact, a sound and rational conclusion. Ron Beil will lead.
Cory Grewell will instruct on "
The Life and Work of John Milton", a late Renaissance/Baroque era Puritan English poet, who wrote major works of English poetry during the 1600s and also served in Oliver Cromwell's cabinet as Latin Secretary. His major poetic work is
Paradise Lost. The focus will be on how Milton's theology affected his poetry.
The "
Young at Heart", guided by Mrs. Jeanne Ball, will continue its study of Acts in the New Testament.