May 27, 2011
May 16, 2011
Report from the Dominican Republic Mission Field
In January 2011 two teams from Crossroads traveled to the Dominican Republic as part of a much larger group to serve the needs of the native population both physically and spiritually. One team consisted of the Jaussen sisters: Beka, Mary, and Grace. Each one has submitted a brief report below of their experiences.
May 7, 2011
New Adult Sunday School Classes to Start
WOMEN: Loving God With All Your Mind - This study will be looking at various promises in the Word of God for women. This will be a video series done by Elizabeth George. The class will be half viewing the video and half discussion. Jan Jaussen will be leading the discussion. Particular application will be made to married life as well. The goal of the class is to help women mature in their faith and to live out their faith in practical ways in their lives and home.
MEN: Godly Men, Godly Leaders, Godly Marriages - This class will focus on the man’s role in marriage. Todd Jaussen will be looking at the unique calling that men have in the home as leaders and what a blessing a godly, loving, servant/leader can be to his home. Many various topics will be discussed over the course of the class. The goal of this class is that Christ will be exalted in our homes and that our families will be richly blessed as we men live up to the standard the Bible has set for us. If you are thinking of being married some day, been married 1 year or 50 plus years there will be something in this class for you.
Save Your Change for a Pro-Life Missionary
May 1, 2011
New Links Added
Several new links were recently added to the Links page and some other links were removed that were no longer in service.
Here is a brief highlight of the new links:
BibleStudyTools offers a library of many scripture versions, dictionary, encyclopedia, concordence, and other materials. Also available are daily devotionals, study plans, sermons, and community discussions.
Biblia is an online Bible study site with many versions and companion references and summaries that can be displayed side-by-side.
Morning and Evening is a daily devotional from the works of Charles Spurgeon.
The Sportmans Devotional is a site that provides daily devotionals geared towards the outdoorsman. Sign-up is required to receive the devotional via e-mail.
World Magazine presents the latest world news from a Christian viewpoint.
Sports Spectrum finds uplifting stories of faith in today's sports world.
LION of Zambia is a blog giving highlights of the activities of several churches working together for the growth of the Kingdom of God in Zambia, Africa.
Delicate Fortress Creations is a shopping with a purpose site dedicated to stopping human trafficking, poverty, and child exploitation. The items available were created by those rescued from these situations and all proceeds go back to supporting those in need.
Everything is Coming Up Daisies! (UPDATED)
UPDATE: Dee Ruhlman will present a program following the dinner.