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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

March 21, 2010

Keelings in Concert (UPDATED)

The Keeling family will be presenting a gospel concert at Crossroads on Saturday April 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm.

March 20, 2010

Gifts and Skills Database (REMINDER)

The Board of Deacons is initiating a new program to develop a database of the skills and gifts of individuals in our congregation. This information will be used to help identify those who can provide help in various situations which could include service to those in need, church positions, and community opportunities.

The Lord has instructed us to serve one another with whatever gifts He has given us. Romans 12:4-8 tells us that like our own body, which has many parts that do not have the same function, our church is also one body of people that do not have the same gift. All parts are needed for a body to stay healthy. The gifts of grace are freely given by God to his people to meet the needs of the church body.

Since we are all called, through this Biblical teaching, to serve; what gifts do you have to offer to other members of this congregation?

On Sunday March 7, 2010 a pamphlet was distributed listing the various skill needs and suggestions as to how they may be used in service to others. Each individual in the church is being asked to complete the pamphlet and return it to the church.

Note the submitted information will not be published, but will only be used by the church leadership when a need arises.

If you didn't receive a copy of the pamphlet, one is available here along with a separate listing of fellowship opportunities within our body.

Gifts and Skills Pamphlet
Ministry Opportunities

March 12, 2010

Tacos Anyone?

A taco dinner is planned for Sunday March 21, 2010 immediately following Sunday School at noon. Please sign up if you are going to be taking part. Also, fixings are needed so sign up what you are bringing.

March 7, 2010

Share and Share Alike

Do you have a household item that is still useful, but you don't want anymore? Or do you need something and don't have the means to acquire it now?

If so, we now have a resource to help both parties. The Board of Deacons has erected a Share Board so the congregation can post items they are willing to part with or need. The board is located in the south hallway. Fill out a card describing your item with your contact information and place it in the proper category on the board. We hope this will become a valuable service to our church body.

Ruben Soto will be managing the board. Items can be initially posted for one month and then you will need to confirm that it should remain there longer.

Please don't leave your unwanted items at the church. If someone contacts you about your posting, please arrange to make the exchange outside of the church building.

March 5, 2010

Good Shepherd's Easter Baskets

The Good Shepherd Center is requesting Crossroads supply 125 canned pineapple or fruit for their Easter baskets. We currently have received 50. Please drop off donations at the church by Sunday March 21, 2010.

March Women's Meeting

The Women’s Ministry will hold their monthly meeting Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 7:00 pm. All women are encouraged to attend.

Easter Lily Orders Due

Easter lilies, purchased in remembrance of or in honor of loved ones, will be placed around the sanctuary for our Easter services. Order forms are available and need returned with your payment by Sunday March 21, 2010.



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454