November 29, 2009
Christmas Cantata Performance
Women's Meeting and Christmas Party (UPDATED)
UPDATE: The Salvation Army donation is being done in lieu of a gift exchange. The items needed by the Salvation Army are:
- Household cleaning supplies
- Laundry soap
- Bleach
- Fabric softener or dryer sheets
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Diapers for adults or toddlers
- Feminine hygiene products
- Personal hygiene items
- Aspirin
- Tylenol for children or adults
- Tissues
Please bring your donation to the church by Tuesday December 8, 2009.
Also those attending will be making lap blankets and shoulder wraps to give to those who need a little extra warmth during our services. So bring your favorite recipe card along with a finger-food or a treat to share.
Winter Quarter Adult Sunday School Classes Offered
"Systematic Theology" led by Pastor Todd Jaussen will continue. This is a deep look at the doctrines of our faith. This quarter will focus on the Doctrine of the Trinity and Salvation. Anyone can join the class at any time. Here is a link to a preview of the book that is being used: Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine by Wayne A. Grudem.
"A Powerful Prayer Life" will be a discussion of the book How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life: The Biblical Path to Holiness and Relationship with God by Gregory Frizzell. Prayer is probably the most important thing we can do on our own in our Christian life. Pete Keeley will be leading this class.
"About My Father's Business - Biblical Business Management" will be taught by Lee Earnhardt. This class will examine the Bible to understand what God has said about taking our faith to the marketplace and honoring God in the midst of the world. We will look at our calling as Christians in the workplace, and how we can apply Scripture in living out our faith. There will be teaching, discussion, and sharing so we can learn from the Bible and one another's experience.
November 21, 2009
Christmas Caroling Voices Needed
Holiday Plans from The Good Shepherd Center (UPDATED)
UPDATE: A special thank you to all those who helped meet and exceed our quota for the Thanksgiving basket program.
Operation Christmas Child to Start (UPDATED)
UPDATE: 100 shoe boxes are now available. Each box contains a pamphlet that helps you select appropriate items for the child. The filled boxes must be returned to the church by Sunday November 15, 2009 in order to get them to the next point in the distribution chain.
This program is a great opportunity to share the gospel and the joy of Christmas with those that may never otherwise hear of Jesus Christ.
UPDATE: The Missions Committee would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all who participated in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. A total of 109 boxes are being sent all over the world from Crossroads and in each one will be a message of the "Love of our Savior".
November 14, 2009
New Sunday Evening Study Series to Start in November (UPDATED)
If this is a question you are wrestling with in your life then please plan to join us as we hear and study words of assurance from the Bible.
The Sunday evening Bible Studies take place from 6-7:00 pm each week.
UPDATE: Due to a prior postponement and a special upcoming Sunday evening event, this new Bible Study series will now begin on Sunday November 22, 2009 at 6:00 pm.
UPDATE: How can I know...really know, with assurance, that I am truly saved and WILL go to heaven when I die? That question has no doubt concerned you and passed through your mind on many occasions. At least it should have! Starting on Sunday November 22, 2009 our evening Bible Study will address this issue with a study of the Assurance of Salvation. Come to explore this vital topic and find the joy, security, and boldness that comes when both facing life and death that results when one has such assurance.
November 8, 2009
November Women's Ministry Night (UPDATED)
UPDATE: Joanne Dodson will be presenting a program on "Let Your Light Shine".
Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal Coming Soon (UPDATED)
UPDATE: Final preparations for the dinner are in the works. Just a reminder that all are invited, even if you did not have the opportunity to signup; there will be enough food!
Also, following the dinner, Todd and Jan Jaussen will be sharing a presentation on their recent trip to the Holy Lands.
Evening Bible Study Postponed for November 1, 2009 (UPDATED)
UPDATE: The Bible Study session originally scheduled for Sunday November 1, 2009 will take place on Sunday November 8, 2009 at 6:00 pm. This will be the final session in the current series "Deepening Our Understanding of the Bible". A new series will begin November 22, 2009.
November 7, 2009
Thank You Veterans!

On this Veterans Day -- Wednesday November 11, 2009 -- make a special effort to thank a man or woman who has bravely served our country in any branch of the military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. Without them, whether in peacetime or war and on the homefront or abroad, the freedoms we cherish and enjoy would certainly be in jeopardy. They have gallantly stood in the way of oppression, tyranny, and injustice. Every single American freedom, and many more worldwide, is mixed with their blood, sweat, and tears.
We especially want to acknowledge and honor all veterans in our congregation for their service, upholding freedom for all!
To the Veterans: We owe you so much because you gave us so much. Our humble thanks is woefully inadequate.