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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

August 29, 2010

New Sunday Evening Bible Study Series on Ephesians to Begin

The Sunday evening Bible Study will begin again on Sunday September 12, 2010 with a study of the book of Ephesians. Many have described this book as the mountain top of New Testament truth. Like a mountain peak this book offers an unparalleled views of God's grace and goodness in salvation. We will be held in awe of what grace actually is and how God has poured forth that grace in Christ. It is a honor and privilege to study this book together. Let's open this treasure chest together.

Annual Quilt Fair Coming Soon

The Ladies' Aid will be holding the annual Quilt Fair on Friday October 8, 2010. They are currently seeking donations of craft items and baked goods for the event. All items can be brought to the church by Thursday October 7, 2010.

Delicious homemade beef-vegetable soup, sandwiches, and homemade pies will be available for lunch. The soup can be purchased by the quart for takeout.

Remember to bring your beautiful quilts for display.

2011 Budget Process Beginning (REMINDER)

The budget formation process for the calendar year 2011 has begun. Ministry leaders, please check your church mailbox for the Budget Request Form that you will need to fill out and submit to the church office by Sunday September 12, 2010.

August 28, 2010

Attention Young Women and Moms

We’re beginning our Growing Pains Bible Study again on Thursday September 2, 2010. This is a group of young moms, moms of preschoolers, expecting moms, or just young women in need of fellowship, encouragement, and a challenging Bible Study group! This fall we are studying and reading through Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Please come, invite your friends, invite other moms you think are in need of the support. We’ll meet every Thursday from 10:00—11:00 am at the church.

Also, we will need one or more people to help watch the little ones while the Bible Study meets. For more information, please contact Annie Ball.

August 21, 2010

Ordination of Elders

On Sunday August 22, 2010 we have the great joy of ordaining four men to the eldership. As these men begin their ministry among us as shepherds and pastors, please support them in prayer and with your encouragements. The men are Ron Beil, Matt Courtney, Lee Earnhardt and Frank Weese. We thank God for blessing this church with such godly leaders.

Prayer for Schools

On Tuesday evening August 24, 2010 there will be a Prayer for the Schools gathering. Believers from around our community will meet to pray for God’s blessings of safety and help for the students, teachers, and administration of our schools during the upcoming school year. The service will be at 7:00 pm at Fresh Grounds and all are encouraged to attend.

August 15, 2010


A new youth year will resume Sunday August 29, 2010 with a new name, a new purpose, and a new theme! All 7th—12th graders are welcome to come, fellowship, grow deeper, go wider, and experience God in new ways! Our first Training Session will be from 6:00—8:30 pm at Fresh Grounds with wings, fun, worship, and so much more! After that, our sessions will go back to our 5:45—7:30 pm times.

UPDATE: LEAST means "Loving God and Encouraging others All while Sharing our lives to Tell the world!".

Another Yard Sale Coming (UPDATED)

The Women's Ministry will be hosting a Yard Sale on August 21, 2010 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Start collecting your household items to donate. No clothing please. More details will be coming.

UPDATE: The sale will be held at the West Salem Grange Hall on South Maysville Road. Donated household items (in good condition) can be dropped off at the Grange on Friday August 20, 2010 after 9:00 am. Friday is the designated workday, so ladies, come prepared to sort and price items, and if your husband is willing, bring him along for the heavy lifting jobs. If you have large items to donate, please call Cyndi Sankey. All baked goods should be brought to the Grange on Saturday morning only.

August 14, 2010

Hospital Visit Kits

At Family Bible School this summer the children and families present participated in a few service projects, one of which was the creation of "Hospital Visit Kits". These are cups decorated and filled with a few handmade gifts (keep in mind that children of all ages helped make them) to serve as reminders of God's love and our love for those among us who are in the hospital. The gifts include cups, bracelets, bookmarks, sun-catchers, get well cards, and other little decorations to brighten up a hospital room!

When you know someone has gone into the hospital, please take a "Kit" to that person and explain that in addition to our prayers, this is a gift of love to them from us.

The "Kits" are in the box on the shelf across from the church office.

If you have any questions about these "Kits", please contact Annie Ball.

Another Mission Trip Already Planned

The Dominican Republic 2011 mission trip will be in January 2011. Total cost is around $990. Deposit of $500 will be due with a completed application form by October 3, 2010. Balance of $490 will be due by November 14, 2010. Interested? Please sign up soon.

Knitters Needed (UPDATED)

Attention all knitters: If you would like to participate in a simple knitting project for our missionaries in China, please see Marlene Murrin for details.

UPDATE: Yes, the project, which is a shawl for workers, may be crocheted. However, we would need to have our own pattern.

The deadline will probably be to send the items by the end of October.

UPDATE: Anyone wanting to crochet rather than knit the shawls our missionaries to China, a pattern has been approved and is available by contacting Marlene Murrin.

August 8, 2010

New Choir Year to Start

Joyful Sound Choir (for Adults and Youth) will begin the first week of September. It is going to be an exciting year. If you are interested in joining please sign up. If you would like to join, but are unable to because of time or children, please speak with Debbie Weese.

Youth Planning Meeting

On Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm there will be an informational and planning meeting for anyone who will continue or begin volunteering your time with our youth group in any way. If you have any interest in helping with the youth, in ANY way, whether on Sunday nights, discipling one-on-one, or leading a small group, please come! If you are a parent and would like to know in what direction the youth group is heading this year, please come!On



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454