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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

October 31, 2010

New Sunday School Class for Women

What's a wife to do? Jan Jaussen will be leading a 6 week Sunday School class for women starting Sunday November 7, 2010. The class will focus on what it means to be a Godly woman. Topics will include respect, contentment, and submission.

October 23, 2010

New Elder Care Groups Announced

The Elders at Crossroads have an 'Elder Care Group' program to better minister to our growing congregation. By dividing the congregation by last name, each group becomes the special focus of a particular elder. Although all the Elders will continue to minister to the whole congregation, one Elder will be responsible to specifically minister, encourage, help, and be aware of any specific needs you may have. He will also be responsible to keep the other Elders informed of your needs. The Elder assignments shift every year, giving all the Elders an opportunity to become better acquainted with the whole congregation over time.

If you are in need of spiritual care, guidance, or help, feel free to contact your Elder. The desire is to be able to best minister to each and every one of you and to be your servants in the Lord. Please pray for the Elders as they seek to care for Christ's dear sheep as men who must give an account.

After the recent induction of four additional elders, the 'Elder Care Group' assignments have been realigned. Here are the current assignments through the end of 2011:
    Pete KeeleyA-B
    Chuck MurrinC-D
    Matt CourtneyE-F
    Frank WeeseG-H
    Todd JaussenJ-L
    Gary MeikleM
    Ron BeilN-R
    Lee EarnhardtS
    Bill HallerT-Z

October 17, 2010

New Sunday School Class to Discuss Worldviews

A new class will begin Sunday October 24, 2010 to examine the consistencies of God's creation and His world. Scientists would have us believe that they have all the facts including proof there is no God. However they also have their own worldviews and agendas that affect their ability to interpret the truth. This War of the Worldview -- Science vs. God -- will be the foundation of this class.

How can Christians defend their own worldview? Armed with the information that science has it basis in our creation in God's image, we have no reason to be ashamed of our faith.

This class should be enjoyable, thought provoking, and perhaps a little complicated.

The Good Shepherd Center Needs Your Help

Crossroads has been asked to contribute 130 canned or dried fruit items to The Good Shepherd Center's Christmas Basket program.

Donations will be accepted through Sunday December 12, 2010. Please bring your donations to the church office so we can keep track of what comes in.

We'll Be Ringing the Bells Again

Again this year we will be supporting the Salvation Army's Christmas Kettle Drive by manning the kettle at the Greenville WalMart on Friday December 3, 2010 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Two or more volunteers are needed for each one hour time slot.

The Christmas kettle effort is the Salvation Army's largest fundraising endeavor, accounting for a third of their annual budget.

Please sign up if you are interested in helping support this project.

October 9, 2010

Quarterly Congregational Meeting

A quarterly congregational meeting has been scheduled for Thursday October 28, 2010 at 7:30 pm. There will be voting on the following: 3 deacon positions (3 year terms each), 1 additional deacon position to fill an unexpired term (2 years), 1 deacon secretary (3 year term), confirming an elder, and the proposed church budget for 2011. Agendas will be made available the Sunday prior to the meeting.

October 3, 2010

Clothing Drive (UPDATED)

A Clothing Drive will be held on Monday November 1, 2010 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Crossroads. In order for this drive to be successful, we are asking for donations of clothing. All clothing must be clean and in good condition (no rips or holes). We will accept only clothing, coats, shoes and boots. We are also asking for donations of NEW winter hats and gloves. Undergarments will NOT be accepted. If you have clothing that you would like to donate, please bring the items to the church and give them to Debbie Weese, Margie Haller, Donna Webker, Patsy Savchuk or Barbara Freeman.

UPDATE: A free bag of clothing will be available for each individual that needs help.
Also there will be an opportunity to donate items to be used by the Good Shepherd Center. Items needed include any canned goods, boxed dinners, peanut butter, toilet paper, facial tissues, and paper towels.

October 2, 2010

Time to Do-Si-Do

Polish your boots and practice your dancing moves because a square dance is planned for Saturday October 30, 2010 at First United Methodist Church in Greenville. The festivities start at 6:00 pm with a fellowship dinner of chili followed and followed by the dancing from 7:00-10:00 pm. Come one, come all!!

Basketball, Anyone?

On Sunday October 10, 2010 the youth would like to invite all who are interested in a game of basketball or volleyball or other games to the church! Their “Sports Challenge” will be from 5:00-6:00 pm, followed by a walk and a lesson. All are welcome! The youth are discussing how to use the talents God created everyone with as well as all of God’s creation to share the Gospel! Please come, fellowship, and play.



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454