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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

November 27, 2010

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to help with children's Junior Church program. If you would be willing to be on a rotation to help out with this children's ministry, please see Lorretta Ball or Pete Keeley.

Parents Night Out

The Youth are offering a Parents Night Out on Friday December 17, 2010 from 4:00—8:00 pm so they can do some Christmas shopping or just have an evening together. Children can be dropped off here at Crossroads anytime after 4:00 pm and must be picked up by 8:00 pm. Dinner for the children will be provided.

November 20, 2010

Current Adult Sunday School Lineup

There are many excellent Sunday School classes being offered at this time to enable you to grow in your faith and to assist you in living that faith out in practical ways. We encourage all to stay and attend one of these classes:

The Book of 1 John, taught by Pete Keeley

This is a verse by verse study of this wonderful and practical book

God and Science, taught by Lee Earnhardt

Has science “eliminated” God? By no means! In fact, science’s discoveries have not only revealed a wonderful, complex, glorious design, it also points to a Designer.

Systematic Theology, taught by Bill Haller

This is a deeper exploration into the great doctrines of the Christian faith.

Being a Godly Wife, taught by Jan Jaussen

This class explores the Biblical principles as well as the practical aspects of being a wife who honors God as she ministers to her husband and children.

Choir to Present Christmas Program

The Joyful Sound Choir will be presenting “Hope Has Hands” on Sunday December 19, 2010 at 6:00 pm. Come join us as we sing our praises and celebrate the birth of our King, Jesus.

Supplies Needed for Rescue Mission

Our next Rescue Mission Trip will be on Wednesday December 1, 2010. In lieu of desserts, we are asking for donations of supplies the Mission is in need of. Please drop off donations at the church office.

Supplies needed:
  • peanut butter and jelly
  • canned tuna
  • cereal
  • syrup
  • new men’s & women’s underwear (L & XL)
  • new socks
  • over-the-counter medicines (cough, allergy, and cold medications - non-drowsy)
  • antacids, ibuprofen, aspirin
  • aerosol deodorants for men and women

The purpose of the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley is to serve and glorify God through Christ-centered outreach of love and compassion that responds to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of disadvantaged men, women and children without regard to race, color or creed.

Do You Like Christmas Music?

If you do then we have a deal for you: following the Christmas dinner on Saturday December 11, 2010 there will be Christmas Carol Sing-along / Christmas Carol Open Mic night. Anyone who wants to sing, play, or read for us, please sign up. Please provide the name of the piece you are doing so those who sign up after you may decide to do something different.

Congregational Christmas Dinner Scheduled

The Crossroads Christmas dinner will be Saturday December 11, 2010 at 5:00 pm. Dinner will be provided. Menu will be ham, scalloped potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, green beans, dinner rolls, pumpkin rolls, cupcakes, punch, and coffee. Please be sure to sign up so we will know how many people will be attending. Come and let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus together!

November 18, 2010

New Version of Crossroads Web Pages Released (UPDATED)

Our entire suite of web pages at has been redesigned and released. It should look different. If your browser still looks the same as a previous visit then hit F5 on your keyboard to force the browser to go get the latest material from our server. (Maybe even multiple times on the F5 as some browsers extensively cache page content even though they are instructed not to by web page developers.)

Changes include a new navigation menu at the top of each page. This will be a consistent layout and keeps several important tools handy. The grayed button indicates the current page location. Notice the text sizing tool is located at the right end of the bottom row and the grayed button corresponds to the current text size setting.

A new Contacts form has been added that provides a list of recipients within Crossroads. This is a secure form that does not need to access your email program in order to submit a message.

The Sermons page now contains a tool to easily find all of the sermons or Bible Studies available from a series. Also you can display all postings for a given speaker as well as the usual keyword label search.

Note the Pastor button on the menu is not yet active.

Please take a look around and check us out.

UPDATE: Pastor Todd's blog is now available on the Pastor button. Check out his thoughts during the week as he prepares his sermons.

Pastor Todd is Blogging!

No, that's not a bad thing. For the uninitiated, Pastor Todd Jaussen has joined the ranks of bloggers -- those who post thoughts and ideas on a web page.

We are excited to have this opportunity to see some of Todd's thoughts and ponderings during the week. We are also hoping this will be a means of receiving updates during his two overseas trips next spring. So please visit our website at or go directly to the blog at

Visitors are encouraged to comment on Todd's postings, but be aware that he can't promise to always promply respond or engage in a conversation. You can also sign up in a feed reader program to receive notice when he posts a new item.

November 15, 2010

Shoebox Collection Results

On Sunday November 14, 2010, Crossroads turned in 78 shoe boxes filled with toys, books, gifts, and toiletries for the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child project. Our boxes are now joined with millions of others worldwide for distribution in needy areas of the globe.

Matt Courtney reported from the Missions Committee that distribution of the boxes is only the first step in an evangelism effort to the children who receive the boxes. They also follow-up with a 12 week lesson plan that presents the gospel to the children. The committee extends thanks to all who helped make this program a success.

November 14, 2010

Good Shepherd Center Christmas Baskets

The Good Shepherd Center will again be providing Christmas basks to area families. They have asked Crossroads to supply 130 canned or dried fruit items this year for inclusion in the baskets. Donations will be accepted through Sunday December 12, 2010. Please drop off your items at the church office so we can keep a count.

Time to Order Christmas Poinsettias

We are currently taking orders for Christmas poinsettias to be displayed for our Christmas services. The plants can be ordered through Sunday November 28, 2010 and the price is $9.75 each. Order forms are available at the church.

Note you can take your poinsettias home after the Christmas service.

Looking for Military Names and Addresses

The Women's Ministry is seeking the names and addresses of loved ones currently serving in the military. They desire to provide phone cards to the military members in time for Christmas. Please have the information to Nita Murrin by Sunday November 28, 2010.

Underground Church

On Sunday November 21, 2010 Greenville area youth groups will get to experience the persecution many Christians must endure in order to worship God. They will see how some countries or cultures force Christians to sneak around and meet in secret or face harm, punishment, or imprisonment.

The event will start at 2:00 pm and will finish later at Fresh Grounds for a follow-up program.

Note to teens planning to participate: a completed permission form is required. See Annie Ball for more information.

November 8, 2010

Clothing Drive Results

Debbie Weese reported that the amount of items donated for the clothing drive was simply staggering. There were many tables of clothes, shoes, coats, etc.

On the day of the drive 59 people received a generous amount of free clothing. All expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity.

Debbie hopes this will now be an annual event and extends thanks to all who donated or helped with the effort.

November 7, 2010

Christmas Caroling Scheduled

The annual Christmas caroling to the area shut-ins will be on Saturday December 11, 2010. The caroling will begin at 1:00 pm by carpooling to the various locations and will return to the church in time for the Christmas dinner.

November 6, 2010

Congregational Thanksgiving Meal Planned (UPDATED)

A traditional Thanksgiving meal for the entire congregation has been scheduled for Sunday November 14, 2010 at 5:00 pm. Turkey and all the trimmings will be provided. Please sign up if you are planning on attending. Also volunteers are needed for some items and to help serve.

UPDATE: An addition to the evening has been announced. After the meal a concert of special music will be presented. Dawna Walsh and Divine Delay will be the featured performers.

Operation Christmas Child (REMINDER)

The Missions Committee is encouraging everyone to participate once again in the shoe box gift project of Samaritan’s Purse. Boxes and brochures are available at the church.

REMINDER: The filled boxes need to be returned to the church by Sunday November 14, 2010 for a dedication ceremony before they are shipped and distributed.



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454