The 2014 Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Monday January 26, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Agenda packets will be available Sunday January 25, 2013.
December 28, 2014
November 23, 2014
November 8, 2014
2015 Dominican Republic Trip to Take Different Approach (UPDATED)
The 2015 mission trip to the Dominican Republic is scheduled for February 28 - March 7, 2015. This trip will concentrate on creating a long-term investment in the DR by teaching work skills of any fashion to the Dominicans. Anyone comfortable with offering training in carpentry, electrical, plumbing, sewing, or other employable skills should consider making this trip. Cost for the round-trip flight and and a week of accommodations at the MGM complex in Hato Mayor will be $990. Start praying about this matter now!
Update: We have decided to cancel the planned mission trip for March 2015. Todd and Jan Jaussen are still scheduled to go the second week of March 2015 for a Pastoral training week and work at the Compassion School. If anyone would like to join them on this trip, they can find lots to do. In fact, there will be a construction project under the direction of Kim Costanza being done that week at the Del Rey house where Ney lives. See Todd Jaussen or Paul Sereda if interested.
October 12, 2014
Operation Christmas Child Drive
Its time to fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child presented by Samaritan's Purse. Empty boxes and packing instructions are available. Each filled box is an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting child.
In addition to individual or family boxes, the children's Sunday School program Life Tools is asking for donations of items so our children can experience packing the boxes. There is a list of desired items available. Also your prayer and financial support is welcomed.
Please return the filled boxes or items for the children to pack by Sunday November 16, 2014.
October 5, 2014
Red Kettle Bell Ringing Time
Winter is on the horizon and so is the annual Salvation Army Red Kettle drive. Crossroads has reserved the Food Entrance at the Greenville Walmart for Saturday December 6, 2014 to ring the bells from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. There is a signup sheet. Please sign up in pairs (2 people per hour time slot).
The Christmas kettle effort is the Salvation Army's largest fundraising endeavor, accounting for a third of their annual budget.
Youth Sponsoring Corn Maze Adventure
On Sunday October 26, 2014 the youth group will be going to the Coolspring Corn Maze in Mercer. We will have lunch together at 12 noon, and then head out to the maze by 1:00 pm. Parents and the congregation are encouraged to come along! Please sign up by October 19, 2014 for food and driving arrangements.
September 13, 2014
Men's Ministry Sponsoring Outdoorsman Shopping Trip (UPDATED)
Generally men don't like going shopping... unless it's shopping for hunting, camping, or fishing stuff! Therefore, the Men's Ministry is sponsoring a shopping trip to Cabela's in Wheeling, WV and Field and Stream in Cranberry, PA on Saturday September 13, 2014. The trip is open to men and women. The day begins with breakfast at Crossroads at 8:30 am. Sign up if you are interested in the trip.
Update: The event has to be postponed to a later date. Watch for more information.
August 31, 2014
Special Local Mission Project Announced
A local family facing several health concerns is in need of several changes, repairs, and cleaning to their home. Crossroads is asking members to bring tools and a willing-to-work attitude on Sunday September 7, 2014. Meet at the church at 5:30 pm to see what can accomplished in just 2 hours.
Note this event is in lieu of the regularly scheduled monthly congregational prayer meeting.
August 24, 2014
Fall Sunday School Lineup Announced
The fall Sunday School Classes begin on September 7, 2014. Adult classes being offered are listed below. Adults should sign up for the class they would like to attend. When class size is determined, it will be announced where each class will meet. The Life Tools class continues, providing our children with the opportunity to see, feel, hear, touch and just experience God's Word. Also a teens' class led by Jeanne Ball will be offered.
- The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges is being taught by Joe Kendra. How can we develop a character that is steadily transformed into Jesus' likeness? By laying an inward foundation of God-centeredness! Discover how to seek a deeper devotion to the Lord; train yourself to be godly; clothe yourself in Christ; cultivate humility; contentment, thankfulness, joy, self-control, peace, love, and other fruits of the Spirit; and more!
- Ron Beil will be teaching on The Book of Ecclesiastes.This is one of the Wisdom literature books of the Bible. Wisdom books are distinguished from Prophesy and History books by the way the truth is revealed in them. Wisdom writers speak of the human condition and bring to it the perspective of the divine majesty. Come and let's study wisdom as Solomon penned this great book.
- The Gospel of Matthew Women's Class will be led by LeAnn Bonzo. Come and see Jesus in new, delightful and challenging ways through the study of Matthew. With the help of the Matthew Visual Bible, a film depicting the gospel of Matthew word for word, we will consider Christ's love for us and Christ's calling upon our lives. The aim of the study will be to fall more in love with Jesus and to become more committed to faithfully following Him. A great by-product will be getting to know and love each other better!
- The Sermon on the Mount/Beatitudes will be the topic of study for the ongoing Young at Heart class being taught by Mary Jane Scott.
New Choir Season Beginning
The Joyful Sound Choir is welcoming new voices as they resume weekly practices on Thursday September 4, 2014 at 6:30 pm. Any youth or adult that loves to sing and have fun are welcome.
Ladies Bible Study to Resume
The Ladies Bible Study will resume weekly on Wednesday September 10, 2014 at 10:00 am. All women in the church and community are welcome to study God's Word together. Sandy Stanhope will be leading the study.
July 22, 2014
Play Ball!
Crossroads is planning on attending a Mahoning Valley Scrappers game against the Williamsport Crosscutters on Friday August 15, 2014. First pitch is at 7:05 pm. We will leave Crossroads at 5:30 pm. Cost will be $11 per ticket if 20 or more persons go. Please sign up by Sunday August 3, 2014. See Ron Courtney for more information.
July 2, 2014
Youth Hosting Float Down the Shenango River (UPDATED)
The youth have scheduled a canoe and kayak trip on the Shenango River on Sunday July 13 20, 2014. This event is open to the entire church. More details to come.
Update: The event has been postponed to Sunday July 20, 2014 due to unsafe river conditions.
June 29, 2014
Seniors to Attend Health Fair
The Seniors Ministry will be attending Rep. Mark Longietti's 2014 Senior and Health Education Fair at the Sharon American Legion on Thursday July 10, 2014. Information on state programs, farmers' market coupons, and free health screenings will be available. The group will then have lunch at a local restaurant after the fair.
June 1, 2014
Men Heading out to the Woods Again
The Crossroads' men have set their annual camping weekend for August 8-10, 2014 on a farm setting near Kennerdale, PA in Venango County. The site has close access to biking trails, hiking, and canoeing and kayaking on the Allegheny River. Other activities may include skeet shooting and archery. More events are in the works. All men and young men are encouraged to attend. Do rustic camping in the open or with a tent or bring your own luxury and amenities. Meals will be provided on Saturday. Breakfast will be served and a worship service held on Sunday morning.
See Frank Weese for more information.
May 27, 2014
Summer Sunday School Schedule
The summer lineup of Sunday School classes will begin June 1, 2014. The new children's program Life Tools will also start at the same time.
Life Tools will be experiencing God's Word through all the senses: not only hearing, but seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting! Each week will approach the Truth in different ways. The possibilities are endless - it's different every week.
The adult classes being offered are:
- Crazy Love: It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe - the Creator of everything around us - loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. Crazing Love - Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan may just be the most challenging book outside of God's Word you will read this year. It is written by a man who walks the walk. Prepare to be challenged. Dave Campbell will lead.
- Desiring God: John Piper states in Desiring God - Meditations of a Christian Hedonist that pursuing maximum joy in God is essential to glorifying God. This pursuing of joy will magnify Jesus Christ in our lives when we are most satisfied in Him. Piper draws on Scripture to build his case and discusses the implications of this for conversion, worship, love, Scripture, prayer, money, marriage, missions, and suffering. It has implications for our lives. Chris Bowser and Abe Johnson will facilitate.
- The women's Young at Heart class, taught by Mary Jane Scott, is ongoing.
May 2, 2014
Senior Saints Taking Road Trip to Slovakia
The Senior Saints are taking a road trip to the Slovak Folk Crafts store in Grove City on Thursday May 15, 2014. They will leave from Crossroads at 10:00 am, tour from 11:00 am to noon, and then have lunch at Eat'n Park Restaurant. Be sure to sign up if you plan to go!
April 17, 2014
Men to Explore McConnells Mill
A men's outing is planned for a day at McConnells Mill State Park on Saturday May 3, 2014. Hiking trails of various difficulty, several waterfalls, and a rock climbing area are available around Slippery Rock Creek Gorge. Or check out the historic mill. Men and future men are encouraged to go and enjoy a day of fellowshipping together.
Lunch will be provided. The group will leave Crossroads at 9:00 am and probably return by 4:00 pm. Sign up if you are interested. Drivers are needed.
April 5, 2014
Exciting New Children's Sunday School Program to Start Soon
Beginning in June 2014 a bold new approach to the children's Sunday School program will roll out. Life Tools is designed to present key Christian values that will be useful for the rest of a person's life. Its key is to give kids the opportunity to see, feel, hear, touch, and just experience God’s Word!
On Sunday May 25, 2014 we will kick-off Life Tools with a family lunch during the Sunday School hour.
We want to reach as many children as possible. Please complete and submit the following Student Information sheet for each child that you want to participate in Life Tools.
This will be a whole church effort. Of course, adult help will be necessary to make Life Tools successful. We know that they also need Sunday School classes for their own growth so this program will allow them to still attend frequently. There are lots of ways and levels you can participate: from shepherding a group each week for a quarter (12-13 weeks), to assisting a only few times a quarter, to committing to consistantly praying for Life Tools. All skills are needed and welcomed.
If you believe it is important to instruct our children about God then please read the Interest Survey and then submit your responses below.
Photos from Recent Dominican Republic Trip Available
A new album with lots of photos and and a few videos from the March 2014 mission trip to the Dominican Republic has been added to the Photos page.
March 31, 2014
Youth Participating in Underground Church Event
The youth will be participating in the Underground Church simulation game to be held Saturday April 19, 2014. This part adventure game, part worship and celebration, part awareness and education. This is a joint event with several other area youth groups. Each team's first task is to elude the underground cops and gag regime, anti-Christian government while they travel to the secret underground church location for celebration and worship. This is a poignant reminder of what Christians have endured in order to meet and worship together from ancient days right up to the present.
Drop-off and registration is from 12:00 noon-1:00 pm at the First Baptist Church. Pick-up is from 4:00-4:30 pm.
Note: Adult volunteers are needed for this event. Contact Chris Bowser for more information.
March 22, 2014
Spring Sunday School Classes Offered
New adult Sunday School Classes will begin on April 6, 2014 and last 5 weeks. Classes being offered:
- New Member's class to be taught by Matt Courtney and Ron Beil.
- How to Study Your Bible being taught by Pastor Todd Jaussen.
- Bill Haller will teach from the Book of James.
- The Women's Class, taught by Evie Haller, is ongoing.
- The Young at Heart class, taught by Mary Jane Scott, is ongoing.
March 20, 2014
Crossroads Team in Dominican Republic, Watch for Reports
A team of 20 members affiliated with Crossroads is currently in Hato Mayor of the Dominican Republic. They are performing various services for the Dominican people including teaching, training, construction, medical and dental, and VBS. Watch for reports from the team members on our Pastor's page.
March 9, 2014
Senior Saints to Hear About Reverse Mortgages
The Senior Saints' monthly gathering for March 2014 will be an evening meal followed by a presentation on reverse mortgages with Fred Switzer. Meat and beverage will be provided. Bring a dish of food to share. The event is Wednesday March 19, 2014 at 4:30 pm.
March 2, 2014
Materials Available for Adoption
The library has thinned some books and most of the audio cassette tapes and video tapes from its shelves. These items are available for adoption to a home where they will be used. The items are on a table near the library door.
Prayer Meeting Postponed
The monthly congregational prayer meeting slated for Sunday March 2, 2014 has been postponed 1 week to Sunday March 9, 2014 at 6:00 pm in place of the regularly scheduled Sunday evening Bible study.
February 23, 2014
Choir to Sponsor Spring Program
The Joyful Sound Choir is convinced spring is indeed coming and, to prove it, they are planning a Spring Concert for Saturday March 29, 2014 at 6:00 pm.
They are also looking for persons interested in presenting a special musical number, tell a story, read a poem, give a testimony, or share something special. If interesting in participating, contact Debbie Weese.
2014 Dominican Republic Mission Team Prepping
Another Crossroads mission team will be heading to the Dominican Republic March 15-22, 2014. The team consists of 20 members affiliated with Crossroads: Paul and Cindy Sereda, Martha and Suzy Johnson, Todd, Seth, Peter, Stephen, and Daniel Jaussen, Jenyl, Caleb, and Jacob Arisman, Jeff and Barb Knauff, Carly Roesh, Jamie Mausser, Corey and Rachel Cowan, Kathryn Spence, and Colin Kytchak.
Please pray for their safety. Pray that God will use them in a mighty way to further His Kingdom. Pray that the hearts of the Dominicans will be opened to receive Christ.
February 5, 2014
New Study of Hebrews Starting
The Sunday evening Bible Study led by Pastor Todd Jaussen will begin a new study of the book of Hebrews on February 9, 2014. It begins with a breathtaking look at the majesty of this book. The unknown writer of Hebrews makes a case for the superiority of Jesus Christ.
Bible Study are Sundays at 6:00 pm except for the first Sunday of each month.
February 2, 2014
In Case of Emergency...
The E-Team is developing a system for alerting members of weather cancellations and important announcements using cell phone text messages or e-mail. Households may use both message systems and have multiple message receivers. If you are interested in participating, a signed information form for each person must be submitted.
Senior Saints Exchanging Valentines
The Senior Saints are having a Valentines Luncheon on Thursday February 13, 2014 at noon. Meat and beverage will be provided; bring a dish of your favorite food to share.
January 26, 2014
2013 Annual Meeting Set (UPDATED)
The 2013 Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Monday January 27, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Agenda packets will be available Sunday January 26, 2014. A vote will be held to confirm Paul Sereda as a new Elder.
Update: Due to expected inclement and severe cold weather, the meeting has been rescheduled for Monday February 3, 2013. Also the Missions Committee meeting originally scheduled for January 27, 2014 has been moved to Monday February 3, 2014 at 6:00 pm.
January 5, 2014
Women to Connect
All women are invited to gather together on Monday January 13, 2014 for the purpose of connecting. This evening is just for getting to know each other, sharing, and fellowshipping. Jan Jaussen will be hosting the event beginning at 7:00 pm.