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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

December 2, 2011

Choir to Present "HARK!! The Angels Sing"

HARK!! The Angels Sing will be presented by the Joyful Sound Choir on Christmas Eve Saturday December 24, 2011 at 5:00 pm at Crossroads and on Sunday December 18, 2011 at 5:00 pm at Williamsfield United Methodist Church on the corner of US 322 & Ohio 7 in Williamsfield, OH. Come and celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

It's Time for Some Chistmas Caroling

We will be Christmas Caroling to the homes of shut-ins on Saturday December 10, 2011 starting at 3:00 pm. Please sign up if you plan to participate. We will be returning to Crossroads in time for the Christmas dinner.

November 19, 2011

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes Collection Results

On Sunday November 13, 2011, Crossroads dedicated 73 shoe boxes filled with toys, books, gifts, toiletries, and a message of the "Love of our Savior" for the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child project.

The Missions Committee sincerely thanks everyone who participated this year.

November 18, 2011

Celebrate Christmas Dinner Together

The church Christmas Dinner will be held Saturday December 10, 2011 at 5:00 pm. The meal of turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, biscuits, green beans, salad, cupcakes, and beverages will be provided. Signup and indicate the number of people who will be attending.

Gently Used Toys Wanted

A "Gently Used Toys" drive is being started to restock the nursery with age appropriate toys. No stuffed animals please. The collection will start on Sunday December 4, 2011. More details to follow later.

Bringing Back Parents Night Out

The Youth are again offering a Parents Night Out on Saturday December 4, 2011 from 4:00—8:00 pm so they can do some Christmas shopping or just have an evening together. Children can be dropped off here at Crossroads anytime after 4:00 pm and must be picked up by 8:00 pm. Dinner for the children will be provided.

November 13, 2011

Christmas Tea and Cookie Swap In the Works (UPDATED)

Ladies, a Christmas Tea is being planned for Tuesday December 13, 2011 to get you in the mood for the holiday season. Tea, coffee, and other beverages will be provided. Also a cookie swap is to be included. More details will be forthcoming.

Update: The Tea will begin at 6:30 pm. Treat yourself to a variety of sweet delights. The program will be stirred with a special brew from Romans 8:6, sure to bolster your spirituali-TEA.

November 6, 2011

Church Thanksgiving Dinner Planned (UPDATED)

Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at the church on Saturday November 12, 2011 at 5:00 pm. A list for food items needed and a sign-up sheet are available. Please sign up so we know how many to plan for. Come and enjoy dinner and fellowship!

Update: A concert will follow the dinner featuring Dawna Walsh and Divine Delay.

November 5, 2011

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes Due

A reminder that Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts are due Sunday November 13, 2011. We will dedicate these special gifts during the morning service.

Supplies Needed for Rescue Mission

In lieu of desserts for the next Rescue Mission Trip that takes place on Wednesday December 7, 2011, we are asking for donations of supplies for the Mission. A list of items needed is given below. Please drop off all donations at Crossroads by Tuesday December 6, 2011.

Supplies needed:
  • peanut butter and jelly
  • canned tuna
  • cereal
  • syrup
  • over-the counter medicines (cough, allergy, and cold medications - non-drowsy)
  • antacids, ibuprofen, aspirin
  • aerosol deodorants for men and women
  • men’s and women’s underwear (L & XL, new only)
  • socks (new only)

The purpose of the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley is to serve and glorify God through Christ-centered outreach of love and compassion that responds to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of disadvantaged men, women, and children without regard to race, color or creed.

Special Speakers at Senior Saints Luncheon

All Senior Saints are invited to a luncheon on Thursday November 10, 2011 at 12:00 noon here at Crossroads. The meal will be provided, and Pete and Joyce Keeley will be sharing about their two-year sailing experience! Please sign up if you plan to attend.

October 30, 2011

Elder Care Groups Realigned

Due to the recent "retirement" of Pete Keeley as an Elder, the 'Elder Care Group' assignments have been adjusted effective November 1, 2011. Thank you Pete for your many years of selfless service to the Lord and His church.

Here are the current assignments:
    Bill HallerA
    Chuck MurrinB-D
    Matt CourtneyE-F
    Frank WeeseG-H
    Todd JaussenJ-L
    Gary MeikleM
    Ron BeilN-R
    Lee EarnhardtS
    Bill HallerT-Z

If you are in need of spiritual care, guidance, or help, feel free to contact your Elder. The desire is to be able to best minister to each and every one of you and to be your servants in the Lord. Please pray for the Elders as they seek to care for Christ's dear sheep as men who must give an account.

It's Time to Ring Some Bells Again

It's that time of year again and the Salvation Army needs our help. As times have gotten tougher, there's more demand on the services they provide to the Greenville area. Their Christmas kettles not only allow them to provide holiday assistance, it also helps provide services throughout the entire year to families and individuals who are experiencing financial difficulties.

We will be manning the kettle at the Greenville WalMart on Saturday December 3, 2011 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Two or more volunteers are needed for each one hour time slot.

The Christmas kettle effort is the Salvation Army's largest fundraising endeavor, accounting for a third of their annual budget.

Please sign up if you are interested in helping support this project.

October 29, 2011

Special Missionary Presentation

On Sunday October 30, 2011 the Peter and Pam Van Der Decker family, missionaries with New Tribes Mission to Papua New Guinea, will present a Mission Moment during the worship service and then also during a combined Sunday School hour.

Sunday Evening Bible Study Moving into 2 Kings

The Sunday evening Bible Study recently completed 1 Kings and is ready to begin 2 Kings on Sunday October 30, 2011. It will continue to look at Israel's history as a lesson for today. More heroic and tragic figures are expected along with God's faithfulness and justice.

Bible Study is Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm at the church.

Quarterly Congregational Meeting Voting Results

At the quarterly congregational meeting held on Thursday October 27, 2011 the 2012 proposed church budget was approved and Ruben Soto was elected to a second term as Deacon.

October 22, 2011

Cookies Needed for Rescue Mission

The next Rescue Mission Trip is scheduled for Wednesday November 2, 2011 and we would like to take cookies for their dessert. If you could provide a dozen or more, please bring them to the church by this date and be sure to mark "Rescue Mission" on the containers.

Willing Short-Term Missionaries Seeking Financial Assistance

Some of our people wanting to go on the next Dominican Republic mission trip in January 2012 are in need of financial assistance. For anyone willing to donate towards someone’s trip, there is  a list of names available to choose from. Non-designated donations will also be accepted. Please make checks payable to  Crossroads Christian Fellowship and place 'Trip' and the designated name on the memo line.

How to Teach a Sunday School Class

A Sunday School Teacher Training Seminar will be held on Saturday  November 5, 2011 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The theme will be "How to teach a Sunday School Class." Topics include: how to study for the lesson; how to prepare a lesson; how to capture and keep the student’s attention; and other aspects of
successful Sunday School teaching. We will be introducing our new Bible curriculum for our youth Sunday School classes. Interested? Please sign up so we know how many to prepare for. If you would like to help out but are not ready to
take on a class, please attend anyway. There are going to be many opportunities to serve as aides and substitute teachers.

October 9, 2011

The Power of a Simple Gift

It's time once again to fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child presented by Samaritan's Purse. We are now distributing empty boxes for this program. The simple gifts, toys, and other items in the box will bring joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world. Along with the things you put in, each box will contain an evangelistic message telling the Good News of God's love.

The boxes are available now at the church and are due back by Sunday November 13, 2011 for shipment.

October 7, 2011

Quarterly Congregational Meeting Scheduled

The congregational meeting for this quarter has been scheduled for Thursday October 27, 2011 at 7:00 pm. Voting will take place for one deacon 3-year term and the proposed annual church budget. Agendas will be available Sunday October 23, 2011.

October 2, 2011

The Top 4 Reasons to Visit Our Website

Here is a short presentation prepared to highlight the top 4 reasons to regularly visit the Crossroads website. Click anywhere in the viewing area or hit the play button at the bottom to start the video. (There is no sound.)

Use this link to enlarge the viewing area: Pop-Out

Note there are many other useful tools available on the site so have a look around.

October 1, 2011

Help Wanted: Sunday School Teachers

We are looking for those who have a heart to see our children come to Christ and to see them grow in their knowledge of the Lord through His Word. Would you like to be a part of this wonderful work of God? Please pray and ask God if He would want you to serve in this way. We will be hosting a Sunday School Teacher’s Training Seminar on an upcoming Saturday morning, and will be providing teachers with easy to use curriculum to help in all preparations. Please see one of the Elders if you are willing to serve in this area.

Fruit Needed for Good Shepherd Center Thanksgiving

The Good Shepherd Center has begun holiday preparations and is planning for 380 Thanksgiving distributions. We here at Crossroads have been asked to contribute 130 cans of fruit towards this endeavor. Please bring these to the church office by November 13, 2011.

Info on Next Dominican Republic Mission Trip

The next mission trip to the Dominican Republic through Meeting God in Missions is scheduled for January 14-21, 2012. Please sign up immediately if you plan to take part as a head count is needed by mid-October, 2011. An initial deposit of $500 is due by the end of October, 2011.

Youth Hosting Ice Cream Social

Following the Congregational Prayer Meeting on Sunday October 2, 2011, the youth will be presenting an ice cream social for all attending. Come fellowship with us over some delicious desserts!

September 24, 2011

Regular Monthly Congregational Prayer Meeting to Start

On Sunday October 2, 2011 at 6:00 pm there will be a congregational prayer meeting instead of Bible Study. This will be the regular practice for the first Sunday of each month. The Elders believe that it is the Lord’s will for our church to give corporate (i.e. group, congregational) prayer a more prominent place in church life. All are urged to plan to attend. It will be exciting to see how God will work in deeper and fuller ways in our midst as we as a congregation obey His call to more fervent prayer.

Do you have loved ones you long to see saved? Do you long to see God glorify Himself in our communities through the gospel going forth? Do you long to see a deeper faith, love, and holiness among us as the people of God? Do you want our Savior Jesus to see the fruit of His sacrificial death on the cross as His church prospers in our day? Then let us join together to pray, believing that God will bless, because He has both commanded us in His Word to pray and promised to bless the prayers of His gathered people.

September 18, 2011

2011 Clothing Drive Results

Debbie Weese announced that the 2011 clothing give-away resulted in 166 persons receiving free clothing, up from 59 people last year. Most of the donated items were dispersed. The hot item this year was baby clothes as every single piece was claimed. This is not only a great way to clean out your own closets; it is a gracious hand reaching out to a needy community.

September 11, 2011

Another New Sunday School Class to Start

Starting September 11, 2011, Ron Beil will be leading a class discussing "The Attributes of God". This class will only last approximately four weeks.

September 10, 2011

Senior Ministry Trip to Hartville Kitchen

The senior ministry is planning an outing to Hartville Kitchen on Friday October 14, 2011. More information to follow. Sign-up if you are interested.

Two New Sunday School Classes

Two new adult Sunday School Classes will be starting on October 2, 2011!

  • Gary Meikle will be leading a study on “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby.

Please sign-up if you are interested in either class.

September 4, 2011

Watermelons Needed for Rescue Mission

The Rescue Mission trip on Wednesday September 7, 2011 needs watermelons to serve for dessert. If you can supply one or more, please notify Fran Wilkin.

Ladies' Bible Study to Resume

The Ladies' Bible Study will resume the weekly gatherings on Wednesday September 21, 2011 at 10:00 am. This Bible study is open to all women at Crossroads and the local community.

September 3, 2011

2011 Quilt Fair Scheduled (UPDATED)

The Ladies Aid will be holding their annual Quilt Fair at the church on Friday October 7, 2011. More information will be coming.

UPDATE: The Quilt Fair will be held from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm on Friday October 7, 2011. Craft and gift items and baked goods will be for sale. Lunch will be available. All donations of craft items and baked goods will be appreciated. Proceeds go in support of Marian Gibbon, a retired missionary to Africa, and various Christian ministries in our community.

August 7, 2011

LEAST Begins

The new year of LEAST (Loving God and Encouraging others All while Sharing our lives to Tell the world!) will begin Sunday August 14, 2011. All youth in grades 7-12 are welcome. Meetings are held Sundays from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm at the Fresh Grounds Coffee House. Bring a friend and have some fun.

July 24, 2011

New Sunday School Class on Christian Contentment to Start

On Sunday August 1, 2011 a new Sunday School class will begin discussion of the book The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs. Bill Haller will lead. Books will be provided.

Church Camping Weekend Schedule Coming Together

The annual church camping weekend will be held at Pymatuning State Park Campground in Andover, OH August 13-14, 2011.

Activities will start with a all-church dinner at 5:00 pm on Saturday August 13, 2011. All all are welcome. Bring a dish to share. (Visitors may drive to the campsite to drop off food and passengers, but all vehicles must return to the visitor parking lot. Transportation back to the site will be available.)

A concert by Divine Delay will begin at 7:00 pm on Saturday August 13, 2011 in the campground amphitheater. Bring a lawn chair.

More information on other activities for the weekend will be coming soon.

There will be an important planning meeting on Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 7:00 at the church. At least one member of each camping family is encouraged to attend.

Seniors Ministry Luncheon Rescheduled

The inaugural Seniors Ministry luncheon originally planned for Thursday July 7, 2011 has been rescheduled for Thursday August 4, 2011 at 12:00 noon. This event is to kickoff the new Seniors Ministry. Food and beverage will be provided. Just bring an appetite. Please sign-up if you are interested in attending.

Quarterly Reports Available

There will be no quarterly congregational meeting for July 2011. Quarterly reports will be available starting Sunday July 31, 2011.

July 15, 2011

2011 Clothing Give-Away (UPDATED)

We are accepting clothing donations for the 2011 clothing give-away to be held in September 2011. If you have clothing to contribute, please bring them to the church for pick up.

UPDATE: The deadline for submitting clothing for the give-away is Sunday August 7, 2011. The is a need for young boy's and infant or toddler clothing. Also wire hangers are needed.

New Youth Year to Kick-Off

The new year of youth will kick-off (or throw out the first pitch, rather) on Sunday August 7, 2011 by attending a Pittsburgh Pirates' baseball game. All youth are welcome to attend. The deadline for signing up is Sunday July 17, 2011. See Annie Ball immediately if interested. More information will follow later.

July 8, 2011

Study of 1 Kings to Start

Sunday July 10, 2011 will begin a new Bible Study on the Book of 1 Kings. The history of Israel is very significant for the Christian today. It shows how God has revealed Himself in the past. It also shows how He continually preserved His Word and a people for Himself as He was preparing for the greatest act of sending His Son into the world. Through this study we will meet many fascinating figures, ranging from great to tragic. Also seen is the faithfulness of God to those who trust in Him, even in the darkest and most confusing times.
Bible Study is Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm at the church.

Come On In, The Water's Great

All are invited to a fun, summertime church picnic at Todd and Jan Jaussen’s home on Sunday July 24, 2011 at 3:00 pm. Bring your swimsuits because the pool will be open. We eat at 5:00 pm. Meat will be prepared by some special chefs here in our midst (don’t miss it!!). Bring a side dish or dessert to share, and don’t forget a lawn chair. We will enjoy each other’s fellowship and have Bible Study together. What a great way to spend a summer afternoon and evening!!!

July 3, 2011

Gardening Help Wanted

Do you love gardening? The (very tired!) church garden crew is seeking new recruits and would be eternally grateful for your help! Weed identification training is available. Please see Marlene Murrin if you are interested.

New Members Coming

Crossroads is preparing to take in a large group for membership this summer.
  • A Sunday School class for new members will be held 4 weeks beginning July 31, 2011 through August 21, 20111.
  • A Baptismal Service will take place during the Sunday morning worship service on August 21, 2011.
  • The intaking of new members will occur during the Sunday morning worship service on August 28, 2011.

June 25, 2011

Attention Senior Saints (UPDATED)

Crossroads is hoping to reinstate the Seniors Ministry beginning with an informal luncheon at the church on Thursday July 7, 2011 at 12:00 noon. Food and beverage will be provided. Please sign-up if you are interested in attending.

UPDATE: Due to scheduling conflicts this event has been postponed to a yet to be determined date.

June 12, 2011

Notice to Campers

The 2011 Church Camping weekend has been scheduled for August 12-14, 2011 at Pymatuning. Please sign up if you are interested in participating. Camp sites need to reserved by the individual campers. See Ray Murrin for more information.

June 5, 2011

Summer Camp Fund

Each summer there are opportunities for young people to hear the gospel, grow in their faith, and even to serve the Lord by serving others. These include summer camp, Creation, and local mission projects such as "His Work, His Way".

For our youth to be active in these events, they need your support. No youth should be prevented from participating due to lack of funds. Please contribute to the Crossroads Summer Camp Fund to enable the church to offer scholarships to our young people.

Community Benefit Concert

A benefit concert for victims of catastrophic weather occurrences will be held at Calvary United Methodist Church (44 South Mercer St, Greenville PA 16125) on Saturday June 18, 2011 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Featured from Crossroads will be Divine Delay, Dawna Walsh, The Cowan Family, and more. Proceeds will be directed through Samaritan's Purse.

Extended Sale for 2011 Yard and Bake Sale

The Women's Ministry Yard and Bake Sale will be a two-day event this year. The sale will take place at the West Salem Grange Hall (60 S Maysville Rd, Greenville PA 16125) on Friday June 17, 2011 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday June 18, 2011 from 9:00 am until done.

The work day will be Thursday June 16, 2011 at the Grange Hall. Workers will be available to sort, price, and place items on tables starting at 9:00 am.

Those donating household items should drop them off on Thursday after 9:00 am.

Baked goods can be brought both days of the sale. No clothing will be accepted.

Items Needed for Creation

The youth group is going to Creation this summer and need a few items such as firewood, cots, and an old table for the week on June 30 - July 3, 2011.

Contact Annie Ball if you have any of these items to loan.

May 27, 2011

May 16, 2011

Report from the Dominican Republic Mission Field

In January 2011 two teams from Crossroads traveled to the Dominican Republic as part of a much larger group to serve the needs of the native population both physically and spiritually. One team consisted of the Jaussen sisters: Beka, Mary, and Grace. Each one has submitted a brief report below of their experiences.

May 7, 2011

New Adult Sunday School Classes to Start

Two new Sunday School classes are scheduled to begin Sunday May 22, 2011:

WOMEN: Loving God With All Your Mind - This study will be looking at various promises in the Word of God for women. This will be a video series done by Elizabeth George. The class will be half viewing the video and half discussion. Jan Jaussen will be leading the discussion. Particular application will be made to married life as well. The goal of the class is to help women mature in their faith and to live out their faith in practical ways in their lives and home.

MEN: Godly Men, Godly Leaders, Godly Marriages - This class will focus on the man’s role in marriage. Todd Jaussen will be looking at the unique calling that men have in the home as leaders and what a blessing a godly, loving, servant/leader can be to his home. Many various topics will be discussed over the course of the class. The goal of this class is that Christ will be exalted in our homes and that our families will be richly blessed as we men live up to the standard the Bible has set for us. If you are thinking of being married some day, been married 1 year or 50 plus years there will be something in this class for you.

Save Your Change for a Pro-Life Missionary

Everyone is encouraged to participate in a Pro-Life Missionary change drive by taking home a plastic canister to fill with spare change. Return the canisters and change to the church on Sunday June 19, 2011. This drive will help Pro-Life of Mercer County in its goal of hiring college graduates to serve one or more years as Pro-Life Missionaries.

May 1, 2011

New Links Added

Several new links were recently added to the Links page and some other links were removed that were no longer in service.

Here is a brief highlight of the new links:

    BibleStudyTools offers a library of many scripture versions, dictionary, encyclopedia, concordence, and other materials. Also available are daily devotionals, study plans, sermons, and community discussions.

    Biblia is an online Bible study site with many versions and companion references and summaries that can be displayed side-by-side.

    Morning and Evening is a daily devotional from the works of Charles Spurgeon.

    The Sportmans Devotional is a site that provides daily devotionals geared towards the outdoorsman. Sign-up is required to receive the devotional via e-mail.

    World Magazine presents the latest world news from a Christian viewpoint.

    Sports Spectrum finds uplifting stories of faith in today's sports world.

    LION of Zambia is a blog giving highlights of the activities of several churches working together for the growth of the Kingdom of God in Zambia, Africa.

    Delicate Fortress Creations is a shopping with a purpose site dedicated to stopping human trafficking, poverty, and child exploitation. The items available were created by those rescued from these situations and all proceeds go back to supporting those in need.

Everything is Coming Up Daisies! (UPDATED)

The annual Women's Ministry Spring Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 6:00 pm. Reservations are requested for this catered buffet dinner. Cost is $8.50 for adults and $5.50 for children ages 4 to 10. Reservations will be accepted by Nita Murrin and Cyndi Sankey through Sunday May 1, 2011.

UPDATE: Dee Ruhlman will present a program following the dinner.

April 24, 2011

Start Looking for STUFF for the Yard Sale

It seems every year during spring cleaning that we find an accumulation of stuff that we no longer need or want. What can you do with all your unwanted stuff? Donate it! The Women's Ministry Annual Yard and Bake Sale will be held Friday and Saturday June 17-18, 2011.

During the week prior to the sale, donations will be accepted. (No clothing please.) Also that week, volunteers will be needed to set up and fill tables. Details on times and location will be coming later.

Funds raised by the yard and bake sale are used to assist local families in need.

April 23, 2011

Calling all Campers

Following the Worship Service on Sunday May 1, 20011 there will be a meeting in the kitchen for anyone interested in participating in our church camping weekend this summer. Please bring any ideas you may have to this meeting.

April 17, 2011

Are You Ready to be Baptized or Join Crossroads?

The Elders would like to hear from anyone who is interested in following the Bible commandment to be baptized and join the church. As they are presently meeting with folks who want to be baptized and also with those who are ready to join our church, please contact one of the Elders soon if you would like to be included. You can use the Contact Form on our Contacts page.

Easter Morning Schedule (UPDATED)

Join us Easter morning as we celebrate the Risen Savior! The day will be begin with a Sunrise Service at 7:15 7:00 am including a special presentation by the Youth. Next will be a time for breakfast at 8:00 am. The regular Worship Service will follow at 9:30 9:15 am.

Note there will be no Sunday School, Sunday Evening Bible Study, or Youth meeting on Easter to allow you to spend more time with your family on this special day.

UPDATE: Note time changes for the events above.

April 11, 2011

Short Term Mission Opportunity Coming to Greenville

This summer there will be a special short term mission opportunity right here in Greenville during the week of June 20-25, 2011. His Work His Way is a nonprofit Christian community development organization whose purpose includes upholding the dignity of vulnerable homeowners who live in Greenville and neighboring communities. It will be sending out crews of teenage and adult volunteers who will give freely of their time and energy to perform free home repairs for homeowners. The hope is to touch lives with the love of Christ by using paint brushes, hammers, shingles, rakes, and drywall.

Anyone entering 7th grade and above can participate. There will be work available for all ages and skills both on the work crews and behind the scene supporting them.

All participants will have the opportunity to stay at Thiel College during the week to help promote the atmosphere and fellowship of a mission trip. All meals will be provided.

Here is a presentation with more details of the event.

Each participant needs to complete this application form and return it to the address listed or Dave Campbell or Sue Preston as Crossroads. Application forms and participation fee are due by Friday May 6, 2011.

Also needed are projects to work on. If you are (or know of) a homeowner in the area and have home projects or repairs that you are not able to accomplish either due to physical limitations or financial obligations, then please complete this homeowner form and return it by Saturday April 30, 2011.

April 9, 2011

Calling all Youth to Creation 2011

The youth are planning to attend Creation 2011 this summer and all 7th through 12th graders are invited to join them along with any adults or families who want to experience the music, teaching, and fellowship of this Christian festival. The event runs June 29 - July 2, 2011 at Agape Farm in Shirleysburg, PA.

There is a discount for ordering tickets early, so if you are interested, please contact Annie Ball by Sunday May 1, 2011.

Choir to Present "In Christ Alone" on Good Friday

The Joyful Sound Choir will be presenting a program title "In Christ Alone" at the Good Friday Service on Friday April 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm. The Lord’s Table will also be observed. Please join in celebrating the true meaning of Easter — 'the Death
and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.'

April 1, 2011

Missions Moment by the Hawks

David and Debbie Hawk, missionaries to El Salvador through World Gospel Mission whom we support, will be at Crossroads on on Palm Sunday April 17, 2011. They will speak for the Missions Moment and also to the combined Sunday School classes following the worship service. All are encouraged to stay for their presentation.

March 27, 2011

Quarterly Congregational Meeting

The next quarterly congregation meeting will be Thursday April 28, 2011 at 7:00 pm. This is an important time to evaluate and encourage the life of the church.

March 15, 2011

Photo Gallery Added from Pastor Todd's Zambia Mission Trip

A photo album of Pastor Todd Jaussen's 2011 teaching mission trip to Zambia, Afria has been added to the Crossroads Gallery page.

His mission was to help teach and encourage the local pastors in their walk.

March 13, 2011

Men's Group Forming

The first meeting a Crossroads' Men's Group will be Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm. There will be time for sharing, devotional, and prayer.

For more information see Bill Haller or Reuben Soto.

Pot Luck Supper and Choir Program

A pot luck dinner is planned for Saturday March 26, 2011 at 5:00 pm followed by a program by the Joyful Sound Choir. Bring your favorite dish to share and enjoy some fellowship in the Lord together.

March 5, 2011

Pastor Todd Updates from Zambia

While Pastor Todd Jaussen is in Zambia, Africa on a teaching mission, he will be providing updates when possible via his blog site: From the Pastor's Desk. He hopes to also be able to upload a short video of his trip.

Remember to continue to pray for his safety and that God will use this trip for His glory.

Comments on his postings are encouraged.

February 26, 2011

Pastor Todd to be Teaching in Zambia

Pastor Todd Jaussen will be traveling to Zambia Africa from March 3-16, 2011 for the purpose of teaching and encouraging the local indigenous pastors. He will be visiting the areas of Livingstone and Lusaka in Zambia.

Please pray that God will glorify Himself through every aspect of this time and will use it to strengthen and encourage His church. Also pray for his family while he is away.

February 20, 2011

Photo Gallery from 2011 Dominican Republic Mission Trip Added

A photo album of the latest mission trip to the Dominican Republic has been added to the Crossroads Gallery page.

In January 2011 two separate teams of three persons each joined with many others to work for a week in the Dominican Republic. They were involved with church construction, Bible School sessions, vision clinics, and worship.

February 18, 2011

Youth Roller Skating

The LEAST youth group is going roller skating at Papa Wheely's on Sunday February 27, 2011 from 6-8 pm. Skate rental is $1. If you need a ride, meet at Fresh Grounds at 5:45 pm.

January 29, 2011

New Adult Sunday School Class to Start

On Sunday February 6, 2011 Cory Grewell will offer a new adult Sunday School class studying the book The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Books will be provided.

January 23, 2011

Take Your Sweetie Square Dancin' for Valentines Day (UPDATED)

Crossroads will again be having a Valentines Square Dance on Saturday February 12, 2011 at the First United Methodist Church of Greenville. There will be a covered dish dinner at 6:00 pm followed by the heel kickin' from 7:30-10:30 pm. So grab your pardner and do-si-do.

UPDATE: The square dancing potion of this event had to be canceled. In its place, to be held at Crossroads, will be a covered dish dinner followed by a hymn sing.

January 22, 2011

Follow Up: Salvation Army Bell Ringing Results

What a tremendous contribution has been made by those who braved the elements to ring bells for the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign this past Christmas! The Salvation Army extend sincere thanks and appreciation for another job well done. Crossroads raised $614.87 for the kettle effort during their allotted time.

Second Mission Team in Dominican Republic

Please continue to pray as our second mission team of the year spends a week in the Dominican Republic. Bekka, Mary, and Grace Jaussen are leaving Saturday January 22, 2011 and returning Saturday January 29, 2011.

January 16, 2011

Secret Sisters to be Revealed

The Women's Ministry meeting on Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 7:00 pm will be the big reveal on who the Secret Sisters were. Also scheduled is a planning session for the Spring Banquet.

January 15, 2011

Annual Congregational Meeting Set

Our Annual Congregational Meeting has been set for Thursday January 27, 2011 at 7:30 pm. Agenda packets will be made available Sunday January 23, 2011.

Youth Bowling Night

The Youth Group is going bowling on Sunday January 16, 2011. Join them at Celebrity Bowl on 314 Mercer Street, Greenville from 5:30—7:30 pm for a night of fun and games! Bring yourself and your friends.

January 9, 2011

Ice Cream Social Planned

There will be an Ice Cream Social on Sunday January 16, 2011 at 4:45 pm before the Sunday Evening Bible Study. Come, make and enjoy your favorite sundae fixings on Sunday!

January 8, 2011

Sunday Evening Bible Study to Resume

The 2011 version of our Sunday Evening Bible Study will begin Sunday January 9, 2011 at 6:00 pm. As we continue our study of the book of Ephesians, we will be considering the wonderful doctrine of the Grace of God. Come and join your brothers and sisters in Christ as we deepen our grasp and appreciation of this amazing truth.

Pray for Mission Team

Our first mission team of 2011 left Saturday January 8, 2011 for the Dominican Republic. The team includes Matt Courtney, Paul Sereda, and Dave Campbell. Please be praying for these men as they serve in the Dominican for a week, helping to construct a church along with witnessing for Christ. May their service bring honor and glory to Him! The team returns home on Saturday January 15, 2011.



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454