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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

December 9, 2012

Special Christmas Outreach to Well Drillers

The outreach to the local shale oil well drillers has been well received and appreciated. For Christmas we intend to offer fresh fruit and cookies to the workers who will be thousands of miles away from their families for the holidays. Any donations should be brought to the church kitchen by Sunday December 16, 2012.

Please Pardon the Interruption... We are Experiencing Technical Difficulties

We apologize for no recent postings of audio files for Sunday morning sermons or Sunday evening Bible studies. We are still experiencing technical recording issues relating to the loss of all our previous sound system equipment from burglary in early October 2012 and the subsequent acquiring and integrating of replacement equipment. We continue to work out various bugs and also will try to recover suitable recordings from the missing presentations. We hope to be able to post the most recent events shortly. Thank you for your patience.

December 2, 2012

Choir to Present Christmas Spirit

The Joyful Sound Choir will be presenting The Spirit of Christmas on Saturday December 22, 2012 at 6:00 pm. The spirit of Christmas is God's love. Come and celebrate Jesus' birth.

December 1, 2012

Supplies Needed for Rescue Mission

In lieu of desserts for the December Rescue Mission trip on Wednesday December 5, 2012 donations of supplies are needed:

  • peanut butter and jelly
  • canned tuna
  • cereal
  • syrup
  • over-the-counter medicines (non-drowsy cough, allergy, and cold)
  • antacids
  • ibuprofen
  • aspirin
  • men's and womens's deodorants
  • men’s and women’s underwear (new L and XL)
  • socks (new)

These items can be dropped off at the church office by Tuesday afternoon December 4, 2012.

The trip to the Rescue Mission leaves at 4:00 pm.

November 25, 2012

Women's Christmas Party Scheduled (Updated)

A Christmas Tea has been planned for the women of the church on Tuesday December 11, 2012 at 6:30 pm. In lieu of a gift exchange they will be collecting diapers for distribution to Health Outreach Ministry for young moms at Fresh Grounds.

Women's Retreat in the Works

A women's retreat is being planned for the weekend of January 25-27, 2013 at Joseph Badger Meadows in Burghill, OH. This will be a time to relax, rejuvenate, and fellowship together. More details will be coming.

November 16, 2012

Operation Christmas Child Results

Thank you for your participation in Operation Christmas Child! Through your efforts, Crossroads is sending out 112 shoe box gifts this year, sharing the message of the Love of our Savior with needy and hurting children throughout the world. A simple, but precious, gift.

Another Basketball Challenge has been Issued

The Crossroads youth seem to have forgotten the beat down they received last year at the hands of the adults during the basketball game and have issued another challenge. The next game is scheduled for Sunday January 20, 2013 so practice a few layups and 3-pointers. Players, cheerleaders, and fans are needed. Sign up if you are interested.

November 11, 2012

More Photo Galleries Added and Viewer Updated (UPDATED)

A new slideshow viewer for photo galleries has been launched and several new albums have been added on the Photos page.

Clicking on a album thumbnail image will activate the new larger viewer in a separate window and automatically start the slideshow. Hovering over the viewer area will display a toolbar with tools to pause, play, or rewind the show. Photos can also be manually advanced. Clicking on the slideshow again will take you to the Picasa photo gallery host in another separate window.

Albums for the 2012 Men's Camping Retreat and the 2012 Youth Canoe trip were recently added. Also new are Missionary Visits, 2012 Easter Sunrise Service, 2012 VBS, Joyful Sound Choir, Praise Team, 2012 Men's Nite, 2011 Congregational Picnic, Baptisms, Special Programs, and more general Candid (2) shots. Photos from the 2012 Dominican Republic and Honduras Mission Trips will be coming soon.

Update: The 2012 Honduras Mission Trip album has now been uploaded.

November 4, 2012

Attention: Parents Who Need a Night Out

Do you need a night out to Christmas shop, have a date, or just relax? The LEAST youth group will be offering a free Parents' Night Out 5:00-8:00 pm on Saturday December 8, 2012 for all kids under the age of 12. Dinner will be provided and activities are planned. Sign your child or children up now.

Junior Choir Forming

Joyce Keeley and Rita Reeher are forming a choir for kids and youth. If you are interested meet after the Worship Service at the front of the sanctuary on Sunday November 11, 2012.

November 3, 2012

Shale Drillers Outreach

A small city of shale drillers from all over the country has moved in nearby. These workers are miles away from family, friends, and church. We are planning an outreach to them. Please sign up if you can provide cookies or help in another way.

October 21, 2012

Three New Sunday Classes Begin November 2012

New adult Sunday School classes will be starting on November 4, 2012. The entire lineup for all ages will be:

  • Preschool - Kindergarten taught by Lorreta Ball.

  • 1st - 2nd Grades taught by Joyce Keeley.

  • 3rd - 6th Grades taught be Rita Reeher.

  • 7th - 12th Grades taught by Jeanne Ball.

  • The Gospel is for Christians taught by Paul Sereda. The class will look at the book by Mitchell L. Chase. Books will be provided. An e-book version is available.

  • Spiritual-Mindedness will be instructed by Bill Haller. The book by John Owen will be provided.

  • The Beauty of Jesus will be led by Bill Haller and study the book by Clifford Pond. Books will be provided.

October 20, 2012

Interested in a Mission Trip? (UPDATED)

You can make a difference. Crossroads is teaming with the White Fields Foundation to sponsor a short-term mission trip to Hato Mayor in the Dominican Republic on March 2-9, 2013. The goal will be to teach and preach the gospel to the Dominican peoples through training and serving their needs. Cost will be about $1,000 which includes airfare, meals, room, and board. A current passport is required. No shots are needed! It is very important that anyone interested in going sign up by Sunday October 21, 2012 in order to get an accurate head-count for the very competitive ticket buying process. See Pastor Todd Jaussen or Paul Sereda for more information.

Update: The team will be joined by a large group of medical students from Penn State Hershey led by Liz Atnip along with Pastors Todd Jaussen of Crossroads and Lon Snyder from Riverwood Chapel of Kent, Ohio. Kim Costanza and Justin Crocker will lead an effort to train Domincans in pastoral leadership. An entrepreneurial team be led by Becca Jaussen.

The deadline for the $500 deposit is December 1, 2012.

October 18, 2012

It's Fall: Time for a Hayride! (CANCELED)

The Knauff family is hosting a hayride and picnic at their home on Saturday October 20, 2012 beginning at 4:00 pm. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a picnic food to share. We will be making s'mores by the fire after the hayride. Everyone is invited.

Update: Due to an illness in the family, the scheduled hayride and picnic must be canceled.

October 13, 2012

Fill a Shoe Box for Operation Christmas Child

The power of a simple gift. Touch the heart of a needy child this Christmas with a gift-filled shoe box and the gospel of Christ. This year Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child will surpass 100 million children being reached with God's love since 1993. The four county area of Western Pennsylvania has a goal of 40,000 shoe boxes this year. So pick up a box and instruction brochure and fill it with love. Filled boxes are due back on Sunday November 11, 2012.

October 7, 2012

New 2012 Photo Galleries Added

Two new albums from 2012 have been added to our photo gallery: the youth's canoe trip and the men's camping retreat.

Youth to get Lost (Maybe) in Corn Maze

The LEAST youth group will be attempting to enter and possibly navigate through a corn maze on Sunday October 21, 2012. Meet at 4:00 pm in the parking lot behind Fresh Grounds and bring a flashlight and jacket. Cost is $7.50 per person.

Cans of Fruit Needed for Good Shepherd Center

The Good Shepherd Center has asked Crossroads to contribute 145 cans of fruit for their Christmas basket program. The earlier we begin the easier it will be to make our quota. Donations can be left at the church office through Sunday December 2, 2012

Attention Bell Ringers

It's already time to think about the Salvation Army Kettle Drive. They are getting ready for their annual drive to help raise funds for those in need during the holidays and throughout the year. 100% of the money collected stays in the Greenville area.

We will be manning the kettle at the Food entrance of the Greenville WalMart on Saturday December 1, 2012 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Two or more volunteers are required for each one hour time slot.

Please sign up if you are interested in helping support this project.

Holiday Dinner Scheduled

To help ease the stress and busyness that the holiday season can be, this year there will be a combined Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner on Saturday November 17, 2012 at 5:00 pm. There will be a variety of culinary favorites. Please sign up if you plan on attending. A short musical program will follow the dinner.

Let's Get to Know Each Other

A fellowship Greet and Meet is happening on Sunday October 21, 2012 from 8:00 to 9:00 am before Worship Service. Coffee and pastries will be provided. Come mingle and get to know each other.

Senior Saints to View Tiffany Stained Glass Windows

The Senior Saints Ministry will be traveling to St. John's Episcopal Church in Franklin, PA on Wednesday October 17, 2012 for a tour of the Tiffany-designed stained glass windows. Cost is $5 per person. Following the tour, lunch will be at the Bonanza Restaurant. Sign up if you are interested and the group will leave from Crossroads at 9:30 am.

October 1, 2012

Quarterly Congregational Meeting Scheduled

The next quarterly congregational meeting will be held on Monday October 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm. We will be voting to confirm one Elder, elect three Deacons, on building superintendent, and the church treasurer. Also approving the 2012 church budget will be on the ballot.

September 22, 2012

Men's Camping Retreat in the Works (UPDATED)

Finishing touches are being put on a Men's Camping Retreat to take place Friday September 28 through Sunday September 30, 2012. All men and young men are encouraged to attend. Manly activities like biking, hiking, canoeing, and archery are planned along with topical discussions. This primitive campout will be near the Allegheny River in Venango County with access to the bike trail. More details will be coming soon. See Frank Weese for more information.

Update: Come for the entire weekend or just whenever. All meals will be provided on Saturday. Breakfast will be served and a worship service held on Sunday morning. Directions and additional information are available. Be sure to sign up and indicate your activity interests! Questions can be addressed to Matt Courtney or Frank Weese.

September 15, 2012

Seniors Ministry to have Cookout Picnic (RESCHEDULED)

The September gathering of the Senior Saints will feature a cookout and picnic on Thursday September 13, 2012 at noon. Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill will be provided. Please bring other picnic items and an appetite.

Update: This event has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict.

Update: This event has been rescheduled for Thursday September 20, 2012 at noon.

September 11, 2012

Mobile Website has New Address

A new shorter address has been created for the mobile-friendly portion of our site suite. The mobile site can now be accessed at

Hint: The Crossroads sign icon at the top-left on all of our normal pages is a secret link to the mobile site Home page!

We're Looking for Amateur Photo-Buffs!

If you often attend events sponsored by Crossroads and you enjoy digital photography then you are in our viewfinder. We want to record more events, activities, outreaches, and mission trips through pictures and video. The photos may be used on the website gallery or simply retained as an archival record. If you are interested then see Phil Tingley on how to submit your images. Expensive equipment not required; just your willingness to help.

Also, if you already have photos of past events then we would like to have them, too.

September 9, 2012

The New Pictorial Directory is Looking for You

There are many new faces at Crossroads and a great way to get to know each other is through a pictorial directory. We want to have you in our church family album. This will all be done by our members, not by an outside company.

We will be accepting portraits three ways:
  1. Our photographer, Matt Courtney, will be taking portraits after Sunday Worship through October 21, 2012.
  2. Evening and Saturday appointments are available at the church for a more formal setting. These are scheduled for October 3, 9, and 17, 2012 at 6-8 pm and October 13 and 20, 2012 at 10 am - 4 pm. Expect a sitting to last approximately 30-45 minutes
  3. You may submit a suitable digital portrait you already have.
Each family will receive a paper and/or a digital finished directory along with all of your group's photos on a CD.

Also volunteers are needed to help schedule appointments, collect information, and assist during the appointments. See Amy Tingley to see how you can help.

So put on your best smile for the family!

August 26, 2012

Choir Season to Resume

Joyful Sound Choir will begin practicing on Thursday September 6, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Note the new time. All voices and ages are welcome. See Debbie Weese if you would like to participate but the above schedule is difficult for you.

Painters Needed for Special Mission Project

His Work, His Way needs help painting a house in Greenville on Friday August 31, 2012 and Saturday September 1, 2012. Please see Dave Campbell if you can help.

Sign Changer Needed

We are in need of a person or group who is willing to change the wording on the exterior church sign at least once a month. Anyone interested should contact the church office.

August 12, 2012

Senior Ministry Heading to Ballgame (UPDATED)

Instead of a monthly luncheon in August, the Senior Saints ministry will be heading to a Mahoning Valley Scrappers game on Friday August 17, 2012. Game time is 7:05 pm. The group will be leaving from the church at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $5 Update: $8 per person. Direct questions to Ron Courtney or Pat Diehl.

August 11, 2012

Next Bible Study to Cover 1 Corinthians

Our church is under the call of Christ to make disciples. One of the most important ways that is done is to teach His people His word. To that end we will begin a new Bible study on Sunday August 12, 2012 at 6:00 pm. We will study the book of 1 Corinthians. This letter is filled with doctrinal and practical truths which every maturing Christian should know, understand and implement into his or her life. We will have the privilege to listen as the Apostle Paul guides and directs the Corinthian church through many issues. One will grow immensely in the wisdom of Christ as this letter is studied. Let us pray that we as a congregation will grow in grace, love, holiness and maturity through this study.

New Truth Project Session to Begin (POSTPONED)

Do you really believe that what you believe is really real? How should that impact the way you view every area of the world in which you live? Beginning Tuesday September 4, 2012 Fresh Grounds Coffeehouse will be hosting another session of the Truth Project from 7—9 p.m. This 13 week small group series is described as an in-depth worldview experience. For more information or to sign-up, please contact Marty or Martha Johnson. Update: The next scheduled session of the Truth Project has been postponed to January 2013. Please prayerfully consider attending this session. More information will be available later.

August 9, 2012

Experiencing Problems with Sermon Audio Files (UPDATED)

Our host -- Blogger -- for the sermon and Bible study posting archive seems to have made an unknown change that prevents our streaming audio script to work. Clicking on the file link launches the player window, but the file player will not load or begin playing. We are aware there is a problem and are looking into a solution.

As a workaround, the audio files can still be downloaded to your computer or device and then listened to using a standard mp3 media player. To start the download process, right-click on the sermon file link and then choose the option that includes Save As on the pop-up menu. Depending on your browser settings you may be asked to select a location for the file or it may be automatically placed in your default downloads folder.

Thank you for your patience.

Update: This issue has been successfully corrected! Google unexpectedly and without notification recently stopped supporting an audio player that was embedded into the site. Another audio player has been substituted.

Note that most browsers cache or store support files from previous visits to a website and a hard refresh may be needed to clear the cache and direct the link to the corrected tool. For most browsers a hard refresh is performed by holding down the CTRL button while hitting the F5 key at the top of the keyboard. Here is more information on clearing a browser's cache found on Wikipedia.

August 4, 2012

Special Congregation Vote (CANCELED)

There will be a special congregational meeting at 7:00 pm on Sunday August 5, 2012 to discuss and vote on repairs to the church parking lot and driveway.

Update: This meeting has been canceled.

July 21, 2012

VBS Kids Raise Money for Operation Kid-to-Kid

During this year's Babylon VBS, the kids collected money to send to Operation Kid-to-Kid, a service outreach program. The kids learned about the dangers of malaria and how it is often carried by mosquitoes to people, especially in Africa. For every $6 raised, mosquito nets can be purchases for two children to share in Mali to help protect them from mosquito bites while they sleep. In addition to the money the kids raised, during VBS, all $1 bills and coins in the Sunday July 22, 2012 offering will go toward this mission outreach.

Youth Looking for Canoes and Kayaks

Do you have a canoe or a kayak? LEAST is taking a canoe trip on Sunday August 19, 2012 and is need of some canoes and kayaks along with your company. See Annie Ball for more details.

July 7, 2012

2012 Free Clothing Giveaway Announced

A clothing giveaway will be held on Friday August 3, 2012 and Saturday August 4, 2012 at Crossroads. Times are 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on Friday and 9:00 am to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Any donated clothing can be dropped off at the church on Thursday August 2, 2012 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. There is a need for adult, youth, baby, and toddler clothing. See Debbie Weese for drop-off arrangements or if you are willing to help.

June 3, 2012

Supplies Needed for His Work His Way

Here is how you can help by donating any of the following items:

Paint Supplies
  • Good extension ladders
  • Step ladders up to 15' tall
  • Paint brushes
  • Paint rollers and trays
  • Scrapers
  • Wire brushes
  • Drop clothes
  • Blue painter's tape
Supplies for Meals
  • 150 plastic spoons, 75 plastic forks, 75 plastic knives
  • 250 styrofoam plates, 250 styrofoam cups, 175 styrofoam bowls
  • 400 napkins
  • 500 zip-type sandwich bags
  • 50 dozen cookies
  • 20 dozen hamburger buns
  • 10 boxes of cereal
  • 1 bottle of hot sauce
  • 2 5 lb cans of lemonade mix
  • 200 individual packages of fruit snacks
  • 1 box of table salt, 1 box of pepper
Other Ways to Help
  • Pray for the workers and homeowners
  • Pray that we will be a witness to the community
  • Pray for the youth who will be participating
  • Financial support
  • Donate towards the church's night meal

His Work His Way is a nonprofit Christian community development ministry that provides support for community members who are in need of home repairs and are unable to meet those needs without assistance. It is held annually in June.

June 1, 2012

Cookies Needed for Rescue Mission

The next Rescue Mission Trip is Wednesday June 6, 2012. We leave from the church at 4:15 pm to travel to the Mahoning Valley Rescue Mission where we will help serve the evening meal to those in need. Please sign up if you want to participate. Also, as we would like to take cookies for their dessert, anyone willing to donate a dozen or more cookies, please bring them to the church by Tuesday afternoon June 5, 2012.

Watermelons Needed for Good Shepherd Center

Our church is providing the meal at the Good Shepherd Center on Monday June 18, 2012. We are requesting watermelon to be donated for dessert. Anyone able to donate one is asked to bring it to the church kitchen on Sunday June 17, 2012. We also need 5 teams of two people each to deliver meals. Please contact Joyce Eakin at (724) 932-2114 or (724) 866-0907 if willing to deliver or help with the meal.

Senior Outing to Deer Park

A Senior Saints outing will take place at the Pymatuning Deer Park in Jamestown on Thursday June 14, 2012. Meet at the park in the food wagon area at 11:30 am for lunch with a walk through the park to follow. The group rate of $5 per person plus lunch and other purchases is at your own expense. Please sign up if you plan to participate.

May 27, 2012

The Summer Camp Fund Needs You

There are several opportunities coming up for young people to hear the gospel, grow in their faith, and serve the Lord by serving others. We hope our youth will be active in these events, and we certainly do not want families who are financially strapped to not include their children because of a lack of funds. If you want to help, please contribute to Crossroads Summer Camp Fund to enable the church to offer scholarships to our young people.

May 6, 2012

Preparing for VBS

Family VBS will be July 16-20, 2012 and your help is needed. The life and lessons of Daniel will be explored. Please sign-up if you are willing to help making this week an amazing outreach to kids and families!

April 22, 2012

Ladies Spring Fling

A special time of fun and fellowship in the Lord for women is planned to celebrate spring on Tuesday May 15, 2012. Bring any type of salad and the rolls, beverage, and dessert will be provided. A program Make Me a Godly Lady will follow the dinner.

Choir does Patriotic

The Joyful Sound Choir will present a patriotic concert on Saturday May 5, 2012 at 6:00 titled Sweet Freedom's Song to honor God and Country.

April 15, 2012

Recreational Golf Night Established

On Mondays beginning April 16, 2012 there will be tee times available at The Greens of Greenville from 4:30-5:00 pm for golf. This is not a league! All are welcome; skill not required, only desire to fellowship while golfing.

Quarterly Congregational Meeting Scheduled (UPDATED: Canceled)

The next quarterly congregational meeting will be Thursday April 26, 2012 at 7:00 pm.

Update: This meeting has been canceled due to some open issues that need further clarification before being presented as a voting matter. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date.

April 7, 2012

Considering Church Membership?

We are currently gathering names of those who would like to be baptized and join the church. If you have come to the place in your life where you would like to publicly profess your faith in Christ through baptism and to formally unite with His church, please contact one of the Elders to let them know of your desire.

Baseball History at Senior Saints Luncheon

There is a Senior Saints luncheon Thursday April 12, 2012 at 12 Noon. Jim Patterson will be speaking on baseball in Mercer County. Food and beverage will be provided.

April 1, 2012

Joe Haller Memorial Service Available Online

Due to many requests, Evie and Bill Haller have consented to allowing the memorial service for their son Joe to be made available online. This was a powerful worship service that celebrated life, rejoicing, and hope. The audio link is located on Pastor Todd Jaussen's blog page.

March 31, 2012

Help Needed for Amazing Race

Station leaders and group supervisors are needed for the youth's Amazing Race on Sunday May 6, 2012. Please see Annie Ball if you can help with this event.

Two New Sunday School Classes to Start

Two new Sunday School classes focusing on the men and women of the Bible will begin Sunday April 15, 2012. Dave Campbell will be teaching on the men of the Bible. Debbie Weese will teach on the women of the Bible.

March 25, 2012

Special Easter Services

  • The Joyful Sound Choir will present the Easter cantata He Lives on Good Friday April 6, 2012 at 7:00 pm. After the presentation there will be a celebration of the Lord's Supper.
  • The LEAST youth group will present the Easter Sonrise Service Who Am I? on Easter Sunday April 8, 2012 at 7:00 am.
  • Breakfast will served Easter Sunday April 9, 2012 at 8:00 am.
  • Easter Worship Service will be at 9:15 am on Sunday April 9, 2012. There will be no Sunday School hour that day so families can celebrate our risen Lord together.
  • There will be no Sunday Evening Bible Study on Easter Sunday April 9, 2012.
  • March 13, 2012

    Special: Joe Haller Memorial

    A memorial service to celebrate the life of Joe Haller has been set for 11:00 am on Saturday March 17, 2012 at Crossroads.

    March 10, 2012

    Looking For VBS Help

    For anyone interested in helping run a VBS program for the summer of 2012 there will be a meeting on Sunday March 18, 2012 in the kitchen following the worship service.

    Volunteers Needed for Playground Construction

    Greenville is seeking volunteers to help with construction of a playground at Riverside Park on April 11-14, 2012. Also, area churches are being asked to provide meals for the workers on those days, either lunch or dinner, with 100 meals needed per mealtime. Meals are to be served at Riverside Park. There are a couple days not covered as yet. Crossroads leadership is asking our church family to become
    involved in this community endeavor. Besides construction volunteers, a coordinator is needed to plan a meal, arrange for volunteers to furnish the food, and for volunteers to serve it and cleanup. Please see Matt Courtney if you are able to help.

    February 24, 2012

    Man Nite

    A chance for men to do manly things, eat manly food, and watch a manly movie together.

    Men of all ages mark your calendars for Saturday March 24, 2012 for Man Nite at 6:00 pm at the church! (Hey...we are men so we can spell night anyway we want!!) It will be a great time for all men of our church, both young and old to have fellowship together. We are going to eat some great manly food...provided by the macho John Owens! So come hungry!! And we are going to watch the movie Courageous together. Bring your sons and grandsons or bring a friend. Bring the guy you have been trying to reach out to with the gospel. This is a powerful movie that will deeply impact all men.

    February 18, 2012

    Youth to Present Easter Sunrise Service

    The LEAST Youth Group will be presenting the Easter Sonrise Service entitled Who am I? and it's time to begin preparing. For all 5th graders and up who are interested in participating, the first practice will be Sunday March 4, 2012 from 4:30—5:30 pm at the church. Let Annie Ball know if you are interested in helping or being a part of this service.

    Good Shepherd Center Preparing Easter Baskets.

    The Good Shepherd Center has begun preparations for their Easter distribution and are asking Crossroads to supply 125 boxed or canned meals (Macaroni & Cheese, Beef-a-roni, etc). All donations should be dropped off at the church by Sunday March 26, 2012.

    January 28, 2012

    Bible Study to Begin Book of Revelation

    A study of the book of Revelation will start Sunday February 5, 2012 for the Sunday evening Bible Study. This is a book of breathtaking majesty and power, and we are looking forward to the encouragement and hope it gives. We live in a spiritual war zone and aware Christians feel this each day. The book of Revelation shows us what is happening behind the scenes in the invisible world and also shows us God's sovereign ruler-ship over all. There is a Lamb upon the throne who is reigning even now and who will definitely triumph in the end! What a wonderful conclusion to the Bible this book is. There are handouts on the back table for all who would like to prepare for the class. This is not required for the class but will certainly enrich your time in the class.

    Valentines Theme for Febraury Senior Saints Luncheon

    The Senior Saints lunch on Thursday, February 9, 2012 will have a Valentine theme. Come share "How did you meet your sweetheart?" The meal will be provided.

    Souper Bowl Party

    The youth are getting together to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday February 5, 2012 at Fresh Grounds. Fellowship starts at 6:00 pm. Bring a friend!

    January 25, 2012

    His Work His Way 2012

    The applications for His Work His Way 2012 are available. There are applications for student workers, adult workers and homeowner repair applications. If you know someone who needs help with their property, please talk to them and have them fill out a homeowner application. Applications and more information can be found on the website.

    January 14, 2012

    Youth Planning Trip to Creation Museum (UPDATED)

    The LEAST group have announced they are planning a visit to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY (near Cincinnati, OH) and are inviting the Crossroads congregation to participate. The trip will take place in February 2012.

    The Creation Museum is a 70,000 square foot state-of-the-art exhibit that brings the pages of the Bible to life.

    More information will be coming.

    Update: The trip will occur February 18-20, 2012 and all are welcome to accompany the youth. See Annie Ball for more information. Deadline for sign up is January 29, 2012.

    Youth Have Laid Down a Challenge (UPDATED)

    The LEAST youth group are challenging the adults of Crossroads to a basketball game so do some stretching and maybe remember what that orange ball feels like. The game is scheduled for Sunday January 22, 2012 so you have time for a little practice. Players, cheerleaders, and fans are needed. Sign up if you are interested.

    Watch for more information.

    Update: Tip-off for the game is set for 3:00 pm at the Greenville Rec Center but the gym will be open at 2:00 pm for warm-up and practice. Come to play, cheer, or watch and enjoy and there will be a fellowship dinner following the game.

    Three New Sunday School Classes Starting

    There will be three new Sunday School classes beginning in January 2012.
    • On Sunday January 15, 2012 Bill Haller will resume the class discussing Christian Contentment.
    • Ron Beil will start a class on Sunday January 15, 2012 on the topic of Christian Beliefs.
    • Betsy Edgar will be leading a class for women starting Sunday January 22, 2012 on the Lies Women Believe based on the book of the same name by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It will probe the depths of women's illusions and delusions of their hopes, fears, failures, and sorrows.

    January 7, 2012

    Mobile Version of Website Launched

    Do you have a smartphone, IPad, IPhone, Kindle Fire, or Nook and want to visit our website from your mobile device? We have been developing a mobile-friendly version of the Crossroads website and it is now ready for testing. We are looking for feedback on how the mobile site works on various devices.

    The mobile site address is:

    We still provide audio sermons for listening and study, news and announcements, events calendar information, contact data, and other useful tools; just that they are presented in a mobile-friendly format. This mobile site is purposely leaner than our full site. Please feel free to utilize what we have prepared and also to suggest other tools or information through the Contacts page.

    January Senior Saints Luncheon

    The Senior Saints are to meet at noon Thursday January 12, 2012 at Crossroads for a luncheon. Lunch will be provided. Andy Vana from the Andrew J. Vana Funeral Home in Hadley will speak about end of life issues and arrangements.

    Truth Project to Start

    Fresh Grounds Coffeehouse will be offering a new session of The Truth Project on Tuesday evenings beginning January 17, 2012 and meeting for 13 weeks at 7:00—9:00 pm. The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum designed to build a systematic and comprehensive biblical worldview in the lives of believers. To sign up or for more information, see Bill Haller or Martha Johnson.

    Two Missions Teams Gearing Up

    During January 2012 two separate teams from Crossroads will be heading to the mission field.
    • One team will be returning to the Dominican Republic January 14-21, 2012 to continue work as done in previous years. This team will consist of Paul Sereda, Dave Campbell, Jeanne Bell, Lee Earnhardt, Abe Johnson, Todd Jaussen, Dan Jaussen, Seth Jaussen, Beka Jaussen, Mary Jaussen, and Grace Jaussen.
    • David Campbell and Matt Courtney will be traveling January 28-February 9, 2012 to El Sembrador, Honduras through World Gospel Mission. The local missionaries in El Sembrador are seeking donations of much needed tools for the mission: several new corded electric drills, drill bit sets, any type of screwdrivers, and good 7 1/4 inch circular saw blades. See Matt or Dave by January 23, 2012 if you are able to donate any of these items.
    Please be praying for their safety and that God will use them in a mighty way to further His Kingdom.



    © 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
    805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
    (724) 588-4454