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Crossroads Christian Fellowship

Stop at the Crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it.
Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16

December 12, 2010

Winter Storm Forces Cancelations

A huge winter storm has caused some upcoming events to be canceled or postponed:

  • The Sunday Evening Bible Study and Joyful Sound Choir practice for Sunday December 12, 2010 have been canceled.
  • The combined Elders and Deacons meeting for Monday December 13, 2010 has been postponed until further notice.

December 3, 2010

Youth Christmas Party

The LEAST group will be holding their Christmas party on Sunday December 5, 2010 at 5:45 pm at Fresh Grounds Coffee House. Join them for an evening of fun, fellowship, and games. Bring your friends and be joyful.

November 27, 2010

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to help with children's Junior Church program. If you would be willing to be on a rotation to help out with this children's ministry, please see Lorretta Ball or Pete Keeley.

Parents Night Out

The Youth are offering a Parents Night Out on Friday December 17, 2010 from 4:00—8:00 pm so they can do some Christmas shopping or just have an evening together. Children can be dropped off here at Crossroads anytime after 4:00 pm and must be picked up by 8:00 pm. Dinner for the children will be provided.

November 20, 2010

Current Adult Sunday School Lineup

There are many excellent Sunday School classes being offered at this time to enable you to grow in your faith and to assist you in living that faith out in practical ways. We encourage all to stay and attend one of these classes:

The Book of 1 John, taught by Pete Keeley

This is a verse by verse study of this wonderful and practical book

God and Science, taught by Lee Earnhardt

Has science “eliminated” God? By no means! In fact, science’s discoveries have not only revealed a wonderful, complex, glorious design, it also points to a Designer.

Systematic Theology, taught by Bill Haller

This is a deeper exploration into the great doctrines of the Christian faith.

Being a Godly Wife, taught by Jan Jaussen

This class explores the Biblical principles as well as the practical aspects of being a wife who honors God as she ministers to her husband and children.

Choir to Present Christmas Program

The Joyful Sound Choir will be presenting “Hope Has Hands” on Sunday December 19, 2010 at 6:00 pm. Come join us as we sing our praises and celebrate the birth of our King, Jesus.

Supplies Needed for Rescue Mission

Our next Rescue Mission Trip will be on Wednesday December 1, 2010. In lieu of desserts, we are asking for donations of supplies the Mission is in need of. Please drop off donations at the church office.

Supplies needed:
  • peanut butter and jelly
  • canned tuna
  • cereal
  • syrup
  • new men’s & women’s underwear (L & XL)
  • new socks
  • over-the-counter medicines (cough, allergy, and cold medications - non-drowsy)
  • antacids, ibuprofen, aspirin
  • aerosol deodorants for men and women

The purpose of the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley is to serve and glorify God through Christ-centered outreach of love and compassion that responds to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of disadvantaged men, women and children without regard to race, color or creed.

Do You Like Christmas Music?

If you do then we have a deal for you: following the Christmas dinner on Saturday December 11, 2010 there will be Christmas Carol Sing-along / Christmas Carol Open Mic night. Anyone who wants to sing, play, or read for us, please sign up. Please provide the name of the piece you are doing so those who sign up after you may decide to do something different.

Congregational Christmas Dinner Scheduled

The Crossroads Christmas dinner will be Saturday December 11, 2010 at 5:00 pm. Dinner will be provided. Menu will be ham, scalloped potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, green beans, dinner rolls, pumpkin rolls, cupcakes, punch, and coffee. Please be sure to sign up so we will know how many people will be attending. Come and let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus together!

November 18, 2010

New Version of Crossroads Web Pages Released (UPDATED)

Our entire suite of web pages at has been redesigned and released. It should look different. If your browser still looks the same as a previous visit then hit F5 on your keyboard to force the browser to go get the latest material from our server. (Maybe even multiple times on the F5 as some browsers extensively cache page content even though they are instructed not to by web page developers.)

Changes include a new navigation menu at the top of each page. This will be a consistent layout and keeps several important tools handy. The grayed button indicates the current page location. Notice the text sizing tool is located at the right end of the bottom row and the grayed button corresponds to the current text size setting.

A new Contacts form has been added that provides a list of recipients within Crossroads. This is a secure form that does not need to access your email program in order to submit a message.

The Sermons page now contains a tool to easily find all of the sermons or Bible Studies available from a series. Also you can display all postings for a given speaker as well as the usual keyword label search.

Note the Pastor button on the menu is not yet active.

Please take a look around and check us out.

UPDATE: Pastor Todd's blog is now available on the Pastor button. Check out his thoughts during the week as he prepares his sermons.

Pastor Todd is Blogging!

No, that's not a bad thing. For the uninitiated, Pastor Todd Jaussen has joined the ranks of bloggers -- those who post thoughts and ideas on a web page.

We are excited to have this opportunity to see some of Todd's thoughts and ponderings during the week. We are also hoping this will be a means of receiving updates during his two overseas trips next spring. So please visit our website at or go directly to the blog at

Visitors are encouraged to comment on Todd's postings, but be aware that he can't promise to always promply respond or engage in a conversation. You can also sign up in a feed reader program to receive notice when he posts a new item.

November 15, 2010

Shoebox Collection Results

On Sunday November 14, 2010, Crossroads turned in 78 shoe boxes filled with toys, books, gifts, and toiletries for the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child project. Our boxes are now joined with millions of others worldwide for distribution in needy areas of the globe.

Matt Courtney reported from the Missions Committee that distribution of the boxes is only the first step in an evangelism effort to the children who receive the boxes. They also follow-up with a 12 week lesson plan that presents the gospel to the children. The committee extends thanks to all who helped make this program a success.

November 14, 2010

Good Shepherd Center Christmas Baskets

The Good Shepherd Center will again be providing Christmas basks to area families. They have asked Crossroads to supply 130 canned or dried fruit items this year for inclusion in the baskets. Donations will be accepted through Sunday December 12, 2010. Please drop off your items at the church office so we can keep a count.

Time to Order Christmas Poinsettias

We are currently taking orders for Christmas poinsettias to be displayed for our Christmas services. The plants can be ordered through Sunday November 28, 2010 and the price is $9.75 each. Order forms are available at the church.

Note you can take your poinsettias home after the Christmas service.

Looking for Military Names and Addresses

The Women's Ministry is seeking the names and addresses of loved ones currently serving in the military. They desire to provide phone cards to the military members in time for Christmas. Please have the information to Nita Murrin by Sunday November 28, 2010.

Underground Church

On Sunday November 21, 2010 Greenville area youth groups will get to experience the persecution many Christians must endure in order to worship God. They will see how some countries or cultures force Christians to sneak around and meet in secret or face harm, punishment, or imprisonment.

The event will start at 2:00 pm and will finish later at Fresh Grounds for a follow-up program.

Note to teens planning to participate: a completed permission form is required. See Annie Ball for more information.

November 8, 2010

Clothing Drive Results

Debbie Weese reported that the amount of items donated for the clothing drive was simply staggering. There were many tables of clothes, shoes, coats, etc.

On the day of the drive 59 people received a generous amount of free clothing. All expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity.

Debbie hopes this will now be an annual event and extends thanks to all who donated or helped with the effort.

November 7, 2010

Christmas Caroling Scheduled

The annual Christmas caroling to the area shut-ins will be on Saturday December 11, 2010. The caroling will begin at 1:00 pm by carpooling to the various locations and will return to the church in time for the Christmas dinner.

November 6, 2010

Congregational Thanksgiving Meal Planned (UPDATED)

A traditional Thanksgiving meal for the entire congregation has been scheduled for Sunday November 14, 2010 at 5:00 pm. Turkey and all the trimmings will be provided. Please sign up if you are planning on attending. Also volunteers are needed for some items and to help serve.

UPDATE: An addition to the evening has been announced. After the meal a concert of special music will be presented. Dawna Walsh and Divine Delay will be the featured performers.

Operation Christmas Child (REMINDER)

The Missions Committee is encouraging everyone to participate once again in the shoe box gift project of Samaritan’s Purse. Boxes and brochures are available at the church.

REMINDER: The filled boxes need to be returned to the church by Sunday November 14, 2010 for a dedication ceremony before they are shipped and distributed.

October 31, 2010

New Sunday School Class for Women

What's a wife to do? Jan Jaussen will be leading a 6 week Sunday School class for women starting Sunday November 7, 2010. The class will focus on what it means to be a Godly woman. Topics will include respect, contentment, and submission.

October 23, 2010

New Elder Care Groups Announced

The Elders at Crossroads have an 'Elder Care Group' program to better minister to our growing congregation. By dividing the congregation by last name, each group becomes the special focus of a particular elder. Although all the Elders will continue to minister to the whole congregation, one Elder will be responsible to specifically minister, encourage, help, and be aware of any specific needs you may have. He will also be responsible to keep the other Elders informed of your needs. The Elder assignments shift every year, giving all the Elders an opportunity to become better acquainted with the whole congregation over time.

If you are in need of spiritual care, guidance, or help, feel free to contact your Elder. The desire is to be able to best minister to each and every one of you and to be your servants in the Lord. Please pray for the Elders as they seek to care for Christ's dear sheep as men who must give an account.

After the recent induction of four additional elders, the 'Elder Care Group' assignments have been realigned. Here are the current assignments through the end of 2011:
    Pete KeeleyA-B
    Chuck MurrinC-D
    Matt CourtneyE-F
    Frank WeeseG-H
    Todd JaussenJ-L
    Gary MeikleM
    Ron BeilN-R
    Lee EarnhardtS
    Bill HallerT-Z

October 17, 2010

New Sunday School Class to Discuss Worldviews

A new class will begin Sunday October 24, 2010 to examine the consistencies of God's creation and His world. Scientists would have us believe that they have all the facts including proof there is no God. However they also have their own worldviews and agendas that affect their ability to interpret the truth. This War of the Worldview -- Science vs. God -- will be the foundation of this class.

How can Christians defend their own worldview? Armed with the information that science has it basis in our creation in God's image, we have no reason to be ashamed of our faith.

This class should be enjoyable, thought provoking, and perhaps a little complicated.

The Good Shepherd Center Needs Your Help

Crossroads has been asked to contribute 130 canned or dried fruit items to The Good Shepherd Center's Christmas Basket program.

Donations will be accepted through Sunday December 12, 2010. Please bring your donations to the church office so we can keep track of what comes in.

We'll Be Ringing the Bells Again

Again this year we will be supporting the Salvation Army's Christmas Kettle Drive by manning the kettle at the Greenville WalMart on Friday December 3, 2010 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Two or more volunteers are needed for each one hour time slot.

The Christmas kettle effort is the Salvation Army's largest fundraising endeavor, accounting for a third of their annual budget.

Please sign up if you are interested in helping support this project.

October 9, 2010

Quarterly Congregational Meeting

A quarterly congregational meeting has been scheduled for Thursday October 28, 2010 at 7:30 pm. There will be voting on the following: 3 deacon positions (3 year terms each), 1 additional deacon position to fill an unexpired term (2 years), 1 deacon secretary (3 year term), confirming an elder, and the proposed church budget for 2011. Agendas will be made available the Sunday prior to the meeting.

October 3, 2010

Clothing Drive (UPDATED)

A Clothing Drive will be held on Monday November 1, 2010 from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Crossroads. In order for this drive to be successful, we are asking for donations of clothing. All clothing must be clean and in good condition (no rips or holes). We will accept only clothing, coats, shoes and boots. We are also asking for donations of NEW winter hats and gloves. Undergarments will NOT be accepted. If you have clothing that you would like to donate, please bring the items to the church and give them to Debbie Weese, Margie Haller, Donna Webker, Patsy Savchuk or Barbara Freeman.

UPDATE: A free bag of clothing will be available for each individual that needs help.
Also there will be an opportunity to donate items to be used by the Good Shepherd Center. Items needed include any canned goods, boxed dinners, peanut butter, toilet paper, facial tissues, and paper towels.

October 2, 2010

Time to Do-Si-Do

Polish your boots and practice your dancing moves because a square dance is planned for Saturday October 30, 2010 at First United Methodist Church in Greenville. The festivities start at 6:00 pm with a fellowship dinner of chili followed and followed by the dancing from 7:00-10:00 pm. Come one, come all!!

Basketball, Anyone?

On Sunday October 10, 2010 the youth would like to invite all who are interested in a game of basketball or volleyball or other games to the church! Their “Sports Challenge” will be from 5:00-6:00 pm, followed by a walk and a lesson. All are welcome! The youth are discussing how to use the talents God created everyone with as well as all of God’s creation to share the Gospel! Please come, fellowship, and play.

September 26, 2010

Another Lap of Greenville's Amazing Race to Go

The 3rd annual Greenville Amazing Race is going to be held the afternoon of Sunday October 2, 2010. Students in grades 7-12 are eligible to register in teams of four. Please encourage your friends from outside the church as this event is designed for lots of fun as well as outreach.

Please contact Annie Ball for more information.

Note that lots of adult helpers are needed to make this day successful.

September 5, 2010

Let's Go Camping

Remember that the weekend of September 10-12, 2010 will be our church camping trip for this year. It will be held at Shenango Valley RV Park. Everyone is invited to join us. If you are planning to participate, you must make your own campsite reservation. Please call Shenango Valley RV Park to reserve your spot soon. Be sure they know you are with Crossroads as they have us in a designated area.

Things will kick off Friday with a Fire Circle Sing-a-long at 8:00 pm. Bring your talents and snacks.

Saturday will start with a pancake breakfast at 8:30 am followed by a Bible Study led by Pastor Todd Jaussen at 10:30 am.

At 5:00 pm on Saturday will be the pot luck supper. Even non-campers are encouraged to attend this event. After a time of special music at 7:00 pm, Divine Delay will be in concert at 7:30 pm.

A church service will be held at the campground on Sunday at 9:00 am with Gary Meikle speaking. After the noon pot luck lunch, there will be a planning meeting for next year's weekend followed by a prayer circle to conclude the adventure.

September 4, 2010

Shoebox Countdown Event

On Saturday September 18, 2010 at 6:00 pm, Greenville Alliance Church invites you to come and hear Operation Christmas Child’s National Spokesperson, Lejla Allison, share her amazing testimony of how a shoe box changed her life in 1993 while growing up in war-torn Bosnia.

I truly felt blessed,” Lejla said. “I knew that God had answered my prayers. I was so over-whelmed I started to cry. But these were not tears I was used to. This time they were tears of joy. This time I knew it was worthwhile to keep on living. I pray that every one of these boys and girls will know that God loves them the same way. I knew He loved me, because He gave His greatest gift, His only son.

August 29, 2010

New Sunday Evening Bible Study Series on Ephesians to Begin

The Sunday evening Bible Study will begin again on Sunday September 12, 2010 with a study of the book of Ephesians. Many have described this book as the mountain top of New Testament truth. Like a mountain peak this book offers an unparalleled views of God's grace and goodness in salvation. We will be held in awe of what grace actually is and how God has poured forth that grace in Christ. It is a honor and privilege to study this book together. Let's open this treasure chest together.

Annual Quilt Fair Coming Soon

The Ladies' Aid will be holding the annual Quilt Fair on Friday October 8, 2010. They are currently seeking donations of craft items and baked goods for the event. All items can be brought to the church by Thursday October 7, 2010.

Delicious homemade beef-vegetable soup, sandwiches, and homemade pies will be available for lunch. The soup can be purchased by the quart for takeout.

Remember to bring your beautiful quilts for display.

2011 Budget Process Beginning (REMINDER)

The budget formation process for the calendar year 2011 has begun. Ministry leaders, please check your church mailbox for the Budget Request Form that you will need to fill out and submit to the church office by Sunday September 12, 2010.

August 28, 2010

Attention Young Women and Moms

We’re beginning our Growing Pains Bible Study again on Thursday September 2, 2010. This is a group of young moms, moms of preschoolers, expecting moms, or just young women in need of fellowship, encouragement, and a challenging Bible Study group! This fall we are studying and reading through Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Please come, invite your friends, invite other moms you think are in need of the support. We’ll meet every Thursday from 10:00—11:00 am at the church.

Also, we will need one or more people to help watch the little ones while the Bible Study meets. For more information, please contact Annie Ball.

August 21, 2010

Ordination of Elders

On Sunday August 22, 2010 we have the great joy of ordaining four men to the eldership. As these men begin their ministry among us as shepherds and pastors, please support them in prayer and with your encouragements. The men are Ron Beil, Matt Courtney, Lee Earnhardt and Frank Weese. We thank God for blessing this church with such godly leaders.

Prayer for Schools

On Tuesday evening August 24, 2010 there will be a Prayer for the Schools gathering. Believers from around our community will meet to pray for God’s blessings of safety and help for the students, teachers, and administration of our schools during the upcoming school year. The service will be at 7:00 pm at Fresh Grounds and all are encouraged to attend.

August 15, 2010


A new youth year will resume Sunday August 29, 2010 with a new name, a new purpose, and a new theme! All 7th—12th graders are welcome to come, fellowship, grow deeper, go wider, and experience God in new ways! Our first Training Session will be from 6:00—8:30 pm at Fresh Grounds with wings, fun, worship, and so much more! After that, our sessions will go back to our 5:45—7:30 pm times.

UPDATE: LEAST means "Loving God and Encouraging others All while Sharing our lives to Tell the world!".

Another Yard Sale Coming (UPDATED)

The Women's Ministry will be hosting a Yard Sale on August 21, 2010 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Start collecting your household items to donate. No clothing please. More details will be coming.

UPDATE: The sale will be held at the West Salem Grange Hall on South Maysville Road. Donated household items (in good condition) can be dropped off at the Grange on Friday August 20, 2010 after 9:00 am. Friday is the designated workday, so ladies, come prepared to sort and price items, and if your husband is willing, bring him along for the heavy lifting jobs. If you have large items to donate, please call Cyndi Sankey. All baked goods should be brought to the Grange on Saturday morning only.

August 14, 2010

Hospital Visit Kits

At Family Bible School this summer the children and families present participated in a few service projects, one of which was the creation of "Hospital Visit Kits". These are cups decorated and filled with a few handmade gifts (keep in mind that children of all ages helped make them) to serve as reminders of God's love and our love for those among us who are in the hospital. The gifts include cups, bracelets, bookmarks, sun-catchers, get well cards, and other little decorations to brighten up a hospital room!

When you know someone has gone into the hospital, please take a "Kit" to that person and explain that in addition to our prayers, this is a gift of love to them from us.

The "Kits" are in the box on the shelf across from the church office.

If you have any questions about these "Kits", please contact Annie Ball.

Another Mission Trip Already Planned

The Dominican Republic 2011 mission trip will be in January 2011. Total cost is around $990. Deposit of $500 will be due with a completed application form by October 3, 2010. Balance of $490 will be due by November 14, 2010. Interested? Please sign up soon.

Knitters Needed (UPDATED)

Attention all knitters: If you would like to participate in a simple knitting project for our missionaries in China, please see Marlene Murrin for details.

UPDATE: Yes, the project, which is a shawl for workers, may be crocheted. However, we would need to have our own pattern.

The deadline will probably be to send the items by the end of October.

UPDATE: Anyone wanting to crochet rather than knit the shawls our missionaries to China, a pattern has been approved and is available by contacting Marlene Murrin.

August 8, 2010

New Choir Year to Start

Joyful Sound Choir (for Adults and Youth) will begin the first week of September. It is going to be an exciting year. If you are interested in joining please sign up. If you would like to join, but are unable to because of time or children, please speak with Debbie Weese.

Youth Planning Meeting

On Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm there will be an informational and planning meeting for anyone who will continue or begin volunteering your time with our youth group in any way. If you have any interest in helping with the youth, in ANY way, whether on Sunday nights, discipling one-on-one, or leading a small group, please come! If you are a parent and would like to know in what direction the youth group is heading this year, please come!On

July 31, 2010

Watermelons Needed

The next trip to the Mahoning Valley Rescue Mission is on Wednesday August 4, 2010. If you can supply a watermellon for the dessert, please notify Fran Wilkin.

Get Your Camping Gear Ready (UPDATED)

We're working on the details for the 2010 church camping weekend.

It will be held September 10-12, 2010 at Shenango Valley RV Park. There will be fun, a concert, golf, prayer time, worship, and, of course, eating.

So start getting your gear ready and sign up if you're interested. See Ray Murrin for more details.

UPDATE: If you are planning to participate, you must make your own campsite reservation. Please call Shenango Valley RV Park to reserve your spot soon. Be sure they know you are with Crossroads as they have us in a designated area.

July 24, 2010

Church Family Picnic

Join us for a church family picnic on Sunday August 1, 2010 at the home of Lee and Michelle Earnhardt. This will be a “pot providence” picnic (what some call “pot luck” only we don’t believe in luck but in Divine Providence!!!). The picnic will be at 5:00 pm and then Bible Study will be at our regular time at 6:00 pm. Come on out and build deeper relationships with the body of Christ and grow in your faith through the study of God’s Word!!

July 18, 2010

Crossroads Road Trip on Route 254

You're invited on a road trip across the USA! What's the destination?

Make Your ways known to me, LORD; teach me Your paths. Psalm 25:4

Join us for a fun-filled week of family activities, lessons, games, food, and more!

The week kicks off with a family bike ride on Sunday July 18, 2010 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.

Then on Monday through Friday there will be lessons and activities for kids and parents from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm.

The week will conclude with a family fun night on Saturday July 24, 2010 at 4:00 pm.

All roads lead to Crossroads this week along Route 254.

July 2, 2010

Youth Service Project

The youth group is going to do a service project for the church on Saturday July 10, 2010 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. They will be cleaning up the church playground area, basketball court, and sanding and painting picnic tables. Lunch will be provided! Please come, serve, and have fun! Wear work clothes and bring a water bottle. All are invited to help!

Ladies Aid Summer Picnic

The Ladies Aid summer picnic will be Wednesday July 7, 2010 at noon at the church. All Ladies Aid members and social members are invited. Please bring a dish of your favorite food to share.

June 27, 2010

Special Congregational Meeting Announced

A special congregational meeting will be held on July 12, 2010 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of recognition of Elders. The names on four men are being put forward for consideration for this very important leadership position: Ron Beil, Matt Courtney, Lee Earnhardt, and Frank Weese. Please begin praying for the wisdom of God and His direction as we seek His will concerning these men.

New Summer Sunday Evening Bible Study Series to Start

The Sunday evening Bible Study will begin a summer series on June 27, 2010 to look at the prayers of Paul in the New Testament. These are powerful prayers which teach how to pray for ourselves and others. Also included will be ways to study the Bible such as passage outlining and word studies.

The Bible Study meets on Sunday evenings for 6:00-7:00 pm and are led by Pastor Todd Jaussen.

Crossroads To Include Route 254 (UPDATED)

This summer's family Bible school will be Route 254 the week of July 18-24, 2010. Plan to be here for the family fun! For those desiring to serve during this week-long program, please sign up or see Annie Ball for more details.

UPDATE: The week-long program will kick-off with a family bike ride on Sunday July 18, 2010 and conclude with a family fun evening on Saturday July 24, 2010

June 6, 2010

Youth Swim Party (UPDATED: Canceled)

Youth: bring your suit, towel, bag of chips, and a happy face to the Jaussens' home on Sunday June 6, 2010 at 3:00 pm for an afternoon of fun in the pool. There'll be swimming, eating, marshmallow roasting, and fellowship. All youth, including this year’s 6th graders, are welcome to come.

UPDATE: Due to the violent overnight storms, this event is canceled.

June 5, 2010

Watermelons Needed

On Monday June 21, 2010, Crossroads will be helping with the meal at The Good Shepherd Center, and we are in need of 8 watermelons. If you can contribute one, please notify Fran Wilkin.

Young Adult Bible Study Started

A Young Adult (ages 18-30) Bible Study has begun meeting on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm at Fresh Grounds. This study is being led by Pastor Phil Beck, and he has invited those from our church to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to study the Word of God with your peers and find support and encouragement to face the challenges unique to your age group.

Fear Factor

The youth are having a Fear Factor evening on Saturday June 12, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at Fresh Grounds.

May 9, 2010

Creation Festival

We are considering taking a group of youth to Creation 2010 this summer. This four day Christian music festival will be held June 30 - July 3, 2010 in Mt. Union, PA. There will be many Christian artists and bands and a variety of speakers. There even is a kids' stage for younger children.

Anyone entering seventh grade next fall or older is invited to attend. (Younger children are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent.)

We will be camping, eating, and worshiping together. Each individual will have the opportunity to select the speakers and bands they would like to hear during the day. Check the link above for the current schedule of artists, speakers, and events.

In order to plan ahead and also obtain a discounted price, anyone interested needs to see Annie Ball by Sunday May 16, 2010.

We are also in need of adult chaperones, transportation, and other help!

April 24, 2010

Special Musical Evening Planned

On Sunday May 2, 2010 at 6:00 pm the Joyful Sound Choir will present “Saved By Grace.” Come and enjoy the music of the choir, Divine Delay, Crossroads Praise Team, Dawna Walsh, Cowan Family, Kids Bells, and the Youth. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

April 18, 2010

Summer Camp

Would you like to help a young person go to a Christian camp this summer? Camp can be a great time for our youth to be encouraged and challenged in their faith. With the economic times we are experiencing, it is more difficult for parents and families to afford camp for their children.

Crossroads annually strives to help finance summer camp for our kids and youth. Our fund only has a small balance available from last year. If you can help with the cost of camp this year, please designate your gift to this fund.

Interested in Church Membership or Baptism?

If you are interested in being baptized and/or in joining our church, please inform one of the Elders. We will soon begin meeting with those who are interested.

Mother/Daughter Banquet Coming Soon (UPDATED)

Crossroads' Women's Ministry hosts a Spring Mother/Daughter banquet each May. Our sisters are encouraged to invite mothers, grandmothers, aunts, daughters, sisters, nieces, neighbors, and friends.

This year the banquet will be held on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at the church. Reservation forms will be available soon.

A planning meeting for this event will take place on Tuesday April 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Several committees will be formed then to contribute to the program, favors, printing, dessert, dining room, decorating, and gifts.

UPDATE: This year's banquet is titled: "When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Lemonade!" The catered dinner is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children ages 4 to 10. Reservations will be accepted until Sunday May 2, 2010. (Sorry, no refunds.) See Nita Murrin or Cyndi Sankey for more information.

March 21, 2010

Keelings in Concert (UPDATED)

The Keeling family will be presenting a gospel concert at Crossroads on Saturday April 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm.

March 20, 2010

Gifts and Skills Database (REMINDER)

The Board of Deacons is initiating a new program to develop a database of the skills and gifts of individuals in our congregation. This information will be used to help identify those who can provide help in various situations which could include service to those in need, church positions, and community opportunities.

The Lord has instructed us to serve one another with whatever gifts He has given us. Romans 12:4-8 tells us that like our own body, which has many parts that do not have the same function, our church is also one body of people that do not have the same gift. All parts are needed for a body to stay healthy. The gifts of grace are freely given by God to his people to meet the needs of the church body.

Since we are all called, through this Biblical teaching, to serve; what gifts do you have to offer to other members of this congregation?

On Sunday March 7, 2010 a pamphlet was distributed listing the various skill needs and suggestions as to how they may be used in service to others. Each individual in the church is being asked to complete the pamphlet and return it to the church.

Note the submitted information will not be published, but will only be used by the church leadership when a need arises.

If you didn't receive a copy of the pamphlet, one is available here along with a separate listing of fellowship opportunities within our body.

Gifts and Skills Pamphlet
Ministry Opportunities

March 12, 2010

Tacos Anyone?

A taco dinner is planned for Sunday March 21, 2010 immediately following Sunday School at noon. Please sign up if you are going to be taking part. Also, fixings are needed so sign up what you are bringing.

March 7, 2010

Share and Share Alike

Do you have a household item that is still useful, but you don't want anymore? Or do you need something and don't have the means to acquire it now?

If so, we now have a resource to help both parties. The Board of Deacons has erected a Share Board so the congregation can post items they are willing to part with or need. The board is located in the south hallway. Fill out a card describing your item with your contact information and place it in the proper category on the board. We hope this will become a valuable service to our church body.

Ruben Soto will be managing the board. Items can be initially posted for one month and then you will need to confirm that it should remain there longer.

Please don't leave your unwanted items at the church. If someone contacts you about your posting, please arrange to make the exchange outside of the church building.

March 5, 2010

Good Shepherd's Easter Baskets

The Good Shepherd Center is requesting Crossroads supply 125 canned pineapple or fruit for their Easter baskets. We currently have received 50. Please drop off donations at the church by Sunday March 21, 2010.

March Women's Meeting

The Women’s Ministry will hold their monthly meeting Tuesday March 9, 2010 at 7:00 pm. All women are encouraged to attend.

Easter Lily Orders Due

Easter lilies, purchased in remembrance of or in honor of loved ones, will be placed around the sanctuary for our Easter services. Order forms are available and need returned with your payment by Sunday March 21, 2010.

February 26, 2010

Important Meeting on Upcoming Mission Trip

There will be a very important meeting immediately following the worship service on February 28, 2010 for those who are going on the Dominican Republic mission trip.

The twenty team members heading to the Dominican Republic on March 17—24, 2010 from Crossroads and the Greenville area are:
  • Todd Jaussen
  • Dan Jaussen
  • Beka Jaussen
  • Mary Jaussen
  • Grace Jaussen
  • Armando Henriquez
  • Shelby Scott
  • Joshua Douglas
  • Warren Sorg
  • Amy Blair
  • Matt Courtney
  • Ron Courtney
  • David Campbell
  • Paul Sereda
  • Gavin Switzer
  • Phillis Eastlick
  • Sean McErlane
  • Emily Paxson
  • Sarah O’Malley
  • Larry Strausser

Please keep them in prayer as they prepare for this trip and also during their week of service.

New Adult Sunday School Classes for Spring Quarter

Several new adult Sunday School classes are scheduled for the spring 2010 quarter. Watch this space for profiles of the classes.

"God's Word on Finances" will draw you closer to God and your spouse, by helping you develop a Biblical perspective on money, and the things we do, for it, with it. Money and the way we handle it is mentioned over 2,300 times in the Bible, yet most of us get our financial training from the world's perspective. Then we wonder why we struggle in this area.

Do you resist discussing money decisions? Do you find it easier to just ignore making financial decisions? Is there too much month left at the end of your money? Do you want to learn the truth about money's role in the life of every believer? Do you desire more freedom to serve Christ? If so, come this class for teaching based on God's word, the Bible, and developed with small group intimacy in mind.

Members of this class are expected to spend about one half hour each day seeking God's counsel through prayer, scripture reading, discussion and written responses in order to uncover truths about such weekly topics as: God's Part, Our Part, Debt, Counsel, Giving, Work, Honesty, Investing, Perspective, Eternity.

This class is intended primarily for couples. (If both husband and wife are members of this congregation, they must attend together.) Class size is limited to twelve and will be facilitated by Fred and Lori Switzer. They have been trained and certified as Small Group, Biblical Financial Study Leaders by Crown Financial Ministries and they also provide budget counseling/coaching service within the church.

"Systematic Theology" will be overseen by Bill Haller this quarter. Why are certain books in while others are not? Is the Bible trustworthy if men wrote it? And if men wrote it, there has to be errors! With all these questions, how can we follow this book when our very soul is at stake? These questions will be covered and so much more as the Systematic Theology class continues on with a closer examination of God's Word, and hopefully, a deeper reverence for God will follow.

"The Reason for God" will discuss the book of the same name by Timothy Keller. The Reason for God addresses frequent doubts that skeptics and even believers have about Christianity. Using literature, philosophy, real life conversations, and potent reasoning, a belief in a Christian God is, in fact, a sound and rational conclusion. Ron Beil will lead.

Cory Grewell will instruct on "The Life and Work of John Milton", a late Renaissance/Baroque era Puritan English poet, who wrote major works of English poetry during the 1600s and also served in Oliver Cromwell's cabinet as Latin Secretary. His major poetic work is Paradise Lost. The focus will be on how Milton's theology affected his poetry.

The "Young at Heart", guided by Mrs. Jeanne Ball, will continue its study of Acts in the New Testament.

February 20, 2010

New Bible Study on Joseph to Start

Ever feel like life is out of control and God can't possibly have a plan for this? Well certainly Joseph did, and not just once, but many times. And yet God had a plan and it was a glorious one. Learning to experience life as it comes with grace, courage, patience, and faithful obedience to God is the lessons from the Life of Joseph. That is the topic of our new Bible Study series that begins Sunday February 21, 2010 at 6:00 pm or listen to the series online at our Sermons Blog site. Bring your Bibles and let us grow from God's Word together.

February 7, 2010

Please Pardon the Interruption...

Due to audio problems during the Sunday morning sermon and the evening Bible Study, the usual online recordings for February 7, 2010 are not available. Please accept our apologies.

February 6, 2010

Report from Mercer County Pro-Life

Recently Brian Beal of Pro-life of Mercer County gave a brief update on their activities. He also sent this greeting:

Dear Crossroads Church Family, I pray blessings to each and every one of you. Thank you for welcoming me and the message of the sacredness of human life. Thank you also for the prayer support and financial gifts. Lord willing, by this time next year, there will be two more Pro-Life missionaries working in Pennsylvania. May they glorify God and lead many more to choose life over death. Have a blessed day and thank you once again! Sincerely, Brian Beal

Youth Super Bowl Party

The youth will be meeting at the Jaussen’s home to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday February 7, 2010 at 6:00 pm. Drinks and tacos will be provided. Bring a snack to share!

Grab Your Partner and Do-Se-Do (UPDATED)

We are in the early stages of planning a square dance. It will be Friday February 12, 2010 from 7:30-11:30 pm. More information will be forthcoming, so get those boots dusted off and get ready to kick up your heels just in time for Valentine's Day.

UPDATE: The square dance will take place at First United Methodist Church on Clinton Street in Greenville. Music will be provided by a live band, and Divine Delay will perform during intermission. All are welcome. Start practicing!

UPDATE: The evening will start with a fellowship dinner at 6:30 pm followed by the square dancing at 7:30 pm. We will take up a donation by cakewalk, and a prize will be given for the best western outfit. This is an event for the entire family. Come enjoy food, fun, and fellowship in the Lord!

January 31, 2010

Open Mic Night

There will be a Hymn Sing on Sunday January 31, 2010 featuring an open mic time.

Show The Love

Show some love for your neighbors! Join the group that travels to the Mahoning Valley Rescue Mission each month on the first Wednesday. This month the group leaves from Crossroads at 4:25 pm on February 3, 2010.

Updating Our Prayer Chain Caller List

We are in the process of updating the Prayer Chain caller list. Anyone who would like to be included or removed as one of the callers or as just a receiver, please notify the church office by February 14, 2010. The Prayer Chain handles immediate and emergency prayer requests.

January 24, 2010

Choir Voices Wanted

The choir is beginning to prepare for the Easter cantata and would welcome anyone interested in participating.

Weekly practices are on Thursday at 7:30 pm.

See Debbie Weese for more information.

January 22, 2010

Prayer Meeting (UPDATED)

Prayer is one of the most important actions of a Christian. And gathering together as one body is a time when we can say to God that we can't do this alone. We are incapable of saving anyone; only God through His grace can save our souls.

We will be assembling on Thursday January 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm for group prayer. Please attend this important function.

UPDATE: A second prayer meeting for January has been set for Thursday January 28, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

January 16, 2010

Annual Congregational Meeting Scheduled (UPDATED)

The Annual Congregational Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Annual reports are due Sunday January 17, 2010 from those required to provide information.

UPDATE: Meeting agendas will be available Sunday January 24, 2010.

Attention Moms!

The church is going to start a “Growing Pains (and Joys)” Bible Study/Fellowship Group for mothers with infants and toddlers (preschool). This will be a great time to get to know one another, provide support, encouragement and advice, and share stories of the good, bad, and hilarious! We will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month at 9:00 am at the church. If you are interested or know someone who needs this kind of fellowship, or if this is a bad time for you, please see Annie Ball. Also, if you are willing to help minister to these moms by providing childcare or even “Experienced Mom” wisdom for our meetings, please see Annie Ball. The first meeting will be Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 9:00 am!

January 15, 2010

New Bible Study on Jonah Beginning

A new Sunday evening Bible Study program on the book of Jonah will be starting on January 17, 2010. Everyone knows about the whale, but there is so much more in the book. As with so much of the Bible you will find that you can relate to Jonah on many different levels and that God has a message for you in this book.

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all from your friends at Crossroads Christian Fellowship! May this year be filled with blessings from the Lord as we strive to serve His will.



© 2005-2018, Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church
805 Vernon Road, Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-4454